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TFL Parking tickets

Post 1


I am looking for some advice.
I received a ticket yesterday Aug 5th for parking partly on a red route (I did not and will fight it) but the offence was dated 18th April 2008.
Is there a time limit on TFL tickets?

TFL Parking tickets

Post 2


We have a good entry on this topic here A16059648

TFL Parking tickets

Post 3


Thanks for that I did read it
But the information I need is the time limit for sending out tickets.
I know that for a stright forward parking ticket it has to be sent within a certian time, around 30 days, to be valid
I dont know if tfl have a time limit

TFL Parking tickets

Post 4


You could try asking this question in <./>AskH2G2</.>, where someone is more likely to see it and supply an answer.

TFL Parking tickets

Post 5


Thank you

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