A Conversation for The h2g2 Tour - An Introduction to h2g2

Cleaning Tip

Post 1


I am just moved into a flat, i've bought. Was wondering if any one can help with clean limescale and dark patches in the toilet bowl. Your help will be very much appreciated. Thank you

Cleaning Tip

Post 2


I mean suggestions on how and what to use to clean limescale.

Cleaning Tip

Post 3

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Just plain old loo cleaner.

Squirt it on. Leave it for 30 mins or so, then get your loobrush and rub it off.

It may take several goes, so don't get disheartened if it doesn't come off straight away.

Cleaning Tip

Post 4


Try pouring coca cola over it, but it must be the real stuff, not the decaf or low sugar; leave then rinse.

Cleaning Tip

Post 5


as a former professional domestic cleaner (my lean period) i would have to say that a whole bottle of "harpic 100% limescale remover", left overnight, then attacked with a loo brush, is the best solution (worth a quid or so of anyone's money!!)

Cleaning Tip

Post 6

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

There's no way I'm cleaning my tip with Harpic.smiley - yikes

Cleaning Tip

Post 7


oooooooooh!!!!! cotton buds and baby lotion for that job sweetheart!smiley - smiley

Cleaning Tip

Post 8


Buy a good strong bleach.

First flush, which wets the bowl of your toilet, and wearing good rubber gloves, apply a generous dose of the bleach to the insides and bottom (S bend) of your loo, being careful not to breath in the vapours. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then scrub with a stiff toilet brush -if necessary repeat the process.

You should soon notice a difference, and once clean, just use a decent toilet cleaner (Toilet Duck!) to keep your loo decent.

Cleaning Tip

Post 9


hahah attacked with a loo brush

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