A Conversation for Second Cup Coffee

Coffee ... of course!

Post 1


I once spent a good few hours at a Second Cup shop on the harbour front in Toronto. The coffee was indeed good -- I've got the big mug too!

Second Cup

Post 2


But the second cup never tastes quite as good as the first one, does it?

Second Cup

Post 3


mmm... no! First Cup is definatly the best! Somebody should start an article about that!

Second Cup

Post 4

Researcher Horay II

But hang on a minute.... ok, seems most poeple drink maybe on average 1-3 cups a day. But thier are alot of us that require large amonts to be consumed everyday. I work in a deli right next to a 7-11. Everymorning I awake 6am, start 630am, shell out all the prepwork for lunch which takes 4-5 hours, wack out the lunch rush, slide through the slow afternoon, ready for diner rush at 5pm, which last till 930pm. At 10pm were out the door and I return home....
All of us drink coffie like were going to the chair. We need it. We drink it like water. Now we do this 14 hrs a day 7 days a week. How one cup of coffie will taste from the next becomes at a certain degree, inconsequential. Granted better tasting coffie desirves a high five but most of us use this drug to wake us up in the mornings and to keep us going through out the day.
Sometimes that first sup of coffie is like the doctor shouting "CLEAR!" in the emergency room.

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