Stef's Home Page -- in a funky-skillo kind of way!


Welcome to Stef's Home Page. I'm fairly new here (depending on whether or not I ever update anything) so this is more of a test. But I did read the "Don't Panic" page and so I've put in the popup-user-list-thingumy (doesn't everyone?) Feel free to comment on the page -- suggest a theme 'cos I can't think of one just now.

Click here to be nosey

This is a box element ... no really!

Arcade@Home - for retro folks.

Why can't I get the above picture to act as a link? If I use the HTML IMG tag the GuideML parser moans its arse off about the width, height and border attributes. Aren't these just passed through to the broswer engine? Guess not!

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Hoozitgaun! May 29, 2000


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Researcher U131904


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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