This is the Message Centre for Stefoid


Post 1

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hello, welcome to h2g2 - I'm one of the Assistant Community Editors, so if you need any advice on anything h2g2 related, feel free to ask!

If you're looking for somewhere to go, you might want to try the welcome page for newcomers - - or the Aces' homepage - - which has lots of interesting links.

I also suggest you keep an eye on the front page, as it gets updated daily with all the latest goodies. You can also click on my name to visit my homepage, should you be that way inclined... smiley - smiley Have fun!


Post 2


Ye Gods! A message? You mean there really are other people here and it's not just some great automated practical joke?

I'll have a look at those pages then and see what I can pick up. As is no doubt normal for newbies all I've done so far is randomly surf. There's a lot of wee "clubs."

Ah, well, better go and see what's happening then...

Oh, I must try this smiley lark -- seems like everyone in here is demonically happy smiley - smiley


Post 3

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Yes, it is just some great automated practical joke, but we like to pretend it's not... smiley - smiley
Some of the conversations might seem a bit "club-ish" but feel free to join in, we're generally a friendly bunch!

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