A Conversation for Terry Pratchett's Discworld

favorite characters

Post 41


mmm! this is hard,i like the disorganisor demon,cut my own throat dibbler and detritus.imight change my mind though.

favorite characters

Post 42


my favoutite characters have got to be Susan sto-helit.
Tho how anyone could ever mistake her for the Tooth fairy is beyond me? smiley - winkeye

favorite characters

Post 43

Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

Surely the beauty of Pterry's discworld writings is that there are so many wonderful characters that everyone can have his/her favourites!
My own hero is Sam Vimes, I've even been compared to him, (unfortunately as he first appeared in Guards! Guards! -BEFORE he quit drinking).

p.s. how come nobody mentioned Goodboy Bindle Featherstone of Quirm - Errol to his friends. Surely anyone who can fly that way has to be worth a vote!

favorite characters

Post 44


Ah, Errol's a great character smiley - biggrin. Doen't appear enough to make him my favourite though. Loved the end of Guards! Guards! smiley - winkeye - (and the rest of it).

favorite characters

Post 45

Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

I suppose it was one chance in a million that someone would agree with me.

favorite characters

Post 46


smiley - laugh - well it would have to be smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye

favorite characters

Post 47

The Dean

Mine are the strongest,Granny,Ridcully and of course Death.They are the strongest and the most naive in ways. The watch books are great but predictable.I do have a soft spot for Rincewind (Rowen Atkinson).

favorite characters

Post 48

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

Mine are Angua Who's my absolute favourite(can we please see more of her Mr Pratchett)
Susan Sto Helit
(Its nice to see women taking centre stage in a book)
The Patrician, who I think is v.good
The rest of the watch.

favorite characters

Post 49

The Dean

I like her to.She's got to answer for that randy wolf she was running around with.I'm sure this will come up later.

favorite characters

Post 50

The Dean

I'm sorry I don't remember him.

favorite characters

Post 51


It's terrible to say but I don't like Rincewind. He's incredibly irritating. Death is wonderful, so much more now than an anthropomorphic representation. Reaper Man was his finest hour, or possibly when he joined the Klatchian Foreign Legion to er.... you
know when a word won't come out of your er... the thing inside your head.
Granny is superb espcially when she made the vampires want tea in Carpe Jugulum. Nanny is to close to home to be comfortable, obsesses with food and sex and sexy food. Seems like a silly overweight lush but when you get down to it.
Was not keen on the watch but then i read Nightwatch and realised how real Vimes is. Thank you Terry for all your hard work. We don't begrudge the money - much! Award yourself a hard-boiled egg.

favorite characters

Post 52


yes vimes(as john keel)is great in nightwatch,a real peoples hero,the sweeper is good too,and the young vetenari is scary

favorite characters

Post 53

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

I agree that Vetenari is certainly a scary character in Nightwatch. You can just see him as a ruler in the making and identify the traits that have allowed him to keep a firm grip on the reins of power.

favorite characters

Post 54

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

Carrot tops my list I think
smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

favorite characters

Post 55

The Dean

You're right Rincewind is annoying,but the havoc in his books is whats funny.

favorite characters

Post 56

The Dean

I like Angua to, but are you saying that the Witch's are'nt the Woman in their books?

favorite characters

Post 57

Callena of the Humite Ube

Yeah really like Angua. Problem is too many characters that are too good. Rincewind is annoying though. My list would have to read;
Witch: Nanny Ogg
Wizard: Bursar
Watch member: Carrot, although Vimes isn't far behind
Ankh Morpork regular: Gaspode, Vetinari, Dibbler (can't decide)
Other regular: Death - definitely!
Non-regular: Quoth the Raven

favorite characters

Post 58


I so agree about the Patrician getting his own story. Night Watch of course sheds alittle more light on the man.

favorite characters

Post 59

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

yes I thought having a little more of his back story is great...I enjoyed the wearing shades of grey thing...there is a new book comeing out...I know Prachett is comeing to NYC in OCT to do a book signing any idea on what it will be about?

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

favorite characters

Post 60

The Dean

I would also like to see a book about the Patrician.Can anyone tell me what would be interesting with a book about Nobby?I think it would answer a lot of odd questions.

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