A Conversation for The Cheshire Grin Inn

Second Orders

Post 21

Archangel Zax

LOL!! Great rhyme, Dan!! smiley - smiley name your pois- er, i mean- drink..

sorry, cloughie, nice lines, but doesn't count if you didn't write it... and you gotta wait your turn! Pay your pennance! Down the hatch! smiley - winkeye hehe!

Second Orders

Post 22

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

F-U bud, I've got a whole liter of 'Tullamore Dew', and I'll share it if you'll forgive me the plagiarism!!!smiley - smiley

Second Orders

Post 23

Lindy Loo

Hi Zax - I finally made it over here.

Can I play this game too, or is just for all you big manly types.

How bout this one:

There was a young girl from Down Under
Who committed a bad social blunder
She drank 2 beer kegs, lost the use of her legs
And ended the night with a chunder.

(And yes, unfortunately it is loosely autobiographical, but fortunately I'm older and wiser now - roll on the tequila slammers instead!)

Second Orders

Post 24


Oh no... No one wants to hear my limericks... I'm not even sure how they should be written... Well, here goes...

There was this thing from space
who did not have a pretty face
since it was beaten with a shovel
- it looked nothing like its race

Oookay, I'll just shut up and call for GOD and androyd...

Second Orders

Post 25

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

I don't care where you've been Lindy Loo, as long as you're honest with me. smiley - winkeye

Second Orders

Post 26

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

there once was a girl on h2g2,

who's life was a big pile of doo-doo,

I told her with spite, your life's a delight,

better lost and not found, lest you want to be.

sorry, no rhyme there, I'm just trying to give folks a reason to live.

Wow, what the hell am i saying? I'm not usually like this.smiley - winkeye

Second Orders

Post 27

Archangel Zax

Cloughie- if we didn't go back so far (what's it been now? at least 50 postings, eh?) i'd take offense to that foul language... my holy ears!

you are MOST certainly forgiven the plagarism.. especially in light of the homemade version...! smiley - smiley now a deal's a deal! pass over some dew!

Lindy Loo- Glad to see you! Told ya it was a great bar, eh? good Limmerick... Here's your drink!

Alien- Great verse! how's this?

"There once was this thingy from space
that didn't seem have a pretty face
since it was beaten with a shovel
and wore a tutu 'n a ruffle
- it really looked nothing like its race"

Second Orders

Post 28

Archangel Zax






smiley - winkeye
to repost the *rules:
1) WAIT till you're called (so we're not writing on top of eachother)
2) when you're called, WRITE a limmerick.
3)CALL two more people!

that's it... easy, eh?*
smiley - smiley
Loving every minute...
Saint Zax
Patron Saint of
the True Brownie and Drunken Indulgence

Second Orders

Post 29


Does a band with no name need a bugle player?

Second Orders

Post 30

Archangel Zax

Don't see why not, Blue.. we seem to be getting up quite a brass section!

you'll have to await dear Greebo's return for confirmation on the position, however...

and as stated previously, we only pay in nuts... usually peanuts... rarely roasted, hardly ever salted, and almost never with honey!
smiley - smiley
Saint Zax
Patron Saint of the
True Brownie and Drunken Indulgence

Second Orders

Post 31


* Someone wanders in without any of the authority of HIM *

Oh, sorry. He can't make it in for one (or many) tonight. I'm St.Peter by the way, I'm terribly bad at limericks. I know this is a bawdy pub, but I don't think some of you are quite ready for some of St.Rasputin's one-liner's, that he has told me. Especially the one's about his big *edit*...

* Takes a large Pimms, and unsociably goes and sits in the snug in the corner *

St.Peter - It's quite mild today...

Second Orders

Post 32

Archangel Zax

smiley - fish

Second Orders..

Post 33

Archangel Zax

Hey Pete! glad you made it over!

so how's about that tutoring session?
smiley - smiley

St. Zax
-the new and improved

Second Orders..

Post 34

Archangel Zax

Hafta make the place look good... Greebo's comming home soon!!

Saint Zax*
-awaiting Mrs. Stooby-

Second Orders..

Post 35


~The door opens... and a cloud of doughnut smoke wafts through the door...~

Hi everyone... me has missed everybody... ~grin~... ~Greebo hands around handmade fudge to all present...~ There's a little something from honeymoonland...

Second Orders..

Post 36

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

Hi Greebo, the place didn't get too messed up while you were away, did it? I'll be glad to help clean up. smiley - smiley

Second Orders..

Post 37


~Huge grin~... No it looks just puuuuurfect... kinda got that lived in feel about it now...

Second Orders..

Post 38


So, how are you????????
Are you still married????
Are you still addicted to doughnuts?
Do you know how to spell "unfortunately"?
Are you going to great all new researchers and do your ACE bit before someone like me has a chance to as normal?
Are you going to answer any of these questions?
Am I going to stop answering questions?
How do you define "stop"?
How will I know?
What am I on about?
Can anyone help me?
Am I going insane?
Should I just shut up?
Have I killed this conversation dead?
Am I truely sorry for all I have done?

Second Orders..

Post 39


~Grinny grin~... Me loves you Oh Buzzing One... and yes me is still married... ~Greebo gives the Buzzing One a huge huggle~

Second Orders..

Post 40

cloughie(Patron Saint of Flying Pigs)stop by my barbecue! A520318

WOW, he really is OUT THERE!! Buzzing One fits purrfectly, not mocking, Greebo, just paying homage. smiley - smiley

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