A Conversation for The Ship Inn, Heworth, Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, UK

The Ship Inn

Post 1


Unfortunately, the same music night after night is a little irritating. Especially when the Vengaboys or Shania Twain are on.

The Ship Inn

Post 2


Indeed. I did actually write that article about a year ago when it was actually still a bit of a novelty to go there, however now I agree the place is an overplayed pile of pants, full of 16-year-old kids who won't get drunk and 23 year old blokes clinging to said 16-year-olds because they've got no life.

Me? I'm well out of it!

The Ship Inn

Post 3


Interesting to see that the entry about my local drinking hovel is the most neglected page in h2g2. Ironic considering it's near neighbour (and my ex-local), The Maiden over is the most neglected pub for miles.

The Ship Inn

Post 4


.. it certainly has the most neglected toilets and pump lines, that's for sure. And the most fights between members of the same family, possibly.

The Ship Inn

Post 5

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

"16-year-old kids who won't get drunk"

Is this a bad thing?

TRiG.smiley - bigeyes

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