A Conversation for Superheroes

Make Mine Marvel!

Post 1

Ballet Hiker

Well, it was make mine Marvel, until they killed just about everybody at once so they could redesign the characters.

It was getting too expensive, and who cares when the Mole Man fights the Fantastic Four for the first time for about the tenth times. Yawn.....

Make Mine Marvel!

Post 2

Administrator-General (5+0+9)*3+0

You'll be glad to know, the "killing just about everybody at once" experiment failed spectacularly, and they brought all the traditional versions of the heroes back. They even reverted a bit past that, so (for example):

* Iron Man is a successful billionaire again, not a pimply-faced teenager from an alternate reality.

* The Wasp is an attractive heiress again, not a woman mutated into insect form.

* Hercules wears Olympian garb again, not leather bomber jackets.

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