A Conversation for The Roswell Incident

Rubbish rubbish rubbish

Post 1


If you ask me, which you haven't but I can pretend, there were no 'Aliens' at Roswell, or in the whole 'Area 51/52' plot. However, I do believe that it is where the US government do their research and, well mess around with high-tech military air-craft. People see strange objects because they see planes and new surveylence (bad spelling, I know) craft and think they're Aliens because of all the hype.
So there.

Rubbish rubbish rubbish

Post 2

Quo Vadis

It must be great to be so sure of oneself. Blurrrrb, beeeep,pllopp, Vrooooom, Kapowwww. As we say in Mars.

Rubbish rubbish rubbish

Post 3

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

well, it's very nice to know that there a sceptics in this world.

But here is an intresting bit of nothingness.
1. the 'non-existant' Area 51- as some people call it- is a real military base (however non-existant the US military says that it is) and it was effected by a nsty power... or was it phone... outage in January, and there was an artical about it.
2. Weather ballons, as the government says, were not around until a few years AFTER the Roswell incident

Rubbish rubbish rubbish

Post 4

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

OK, here is the report filed by Sprint about a phone service outage

Rubbish rubbish rubbish

Post 5


Roswell.......oh god, I realy can't bear to hear about it anymore. It is probably one of the most over-analized(probably spelled that wrong) subjects that I know of. Sure it was interesting once apon a time, but does it realy require so much attention? I wish tv would stop wasting valuable air-time an this story. There are more interesting things out there, certainly.

Rubbish indeed

Post 6

Gibbous Hindsight

Ooooookay. No offense Amelia, but I'm wondering what the original source is for the document you're referencing in the above web-page. From what I've gathered, neither the FCC nor Sprint is using TurboLinux; neither is Sprint posting thru Apache Group. And as for Rowland Network Comms --- puhleaze! [If you've no idea why I've mentioned these things, start with your source material and ID'ing the location.] What lead me to doubt the authenticity of the "report"? Well, the specious document specifically states "... 'Area 51'" in the "...Area Affected" block. Now, really, sometimes sensitive name locations slip thru in budget docs and the like, but do you really think Sprint would risk jeopardizing a provider contract by using those names itself instead of covernames no doubt provided on actual such contracts. So, is someone having a go at you, or are you just playing along?

Now, I admit all this does not necessarily detract from the entertainment value of Roswell, Area 51, and other such conspiracy theories and speculations. Indeed, for an interesting point of departure on the area on which you're presumably writing about (acknowledged as Operating Location Near Groom Dry Lake), see http://www.sky.net/~wings/groom.htm
Most of it is a load of folderol, but some of it is well-conceived, entertaining folderol.

For a watchdog look into actual and alleged (U.S.) govt projects by
CREDIBLE persons, see any work by the Federation of American Scientists. They tell us they're working for the public good and I believe they believe that. Nevertheless, they're an incredibly liberal bunch with a politcal agenda. For the most part though, I believe they're well-intentioned and sincere, it's just that some of their conclusions still appear to be based on rather outlandish assumptions.

Rubbish rubbish rubbish

Post 7


Regardless of whether aliens actually landed or not, it's still an event that has captured the imagination of a lot of people at the time and to the present day.

Thus I'm giving the Entry a link in the History of the USA wing of the h2g2 Historical Society.


Rubbish indeed

Post 8

Gibbous Hindsight

Ooooookay. No offense Amelia, but I'm wondering what the original source is for the document you're referencing in the above web-page. From what I've gathered, neither the FCC nor Sprint is using TurboLinux; neither is Sprint posting thru Apache Group. And as for Rowland Network Comms --- puhleaze! [If you've no idea why I've mentioned these things, start with your source material and ID'ing the location.] What lead me to doubt the authenticity of the "report"? Well, the specious document specifically states "... 'Area 51'" in the "...Area Affected" block. Now, really, sometimes sensitive name locations slip thru in budget docs and the like, but do you really think Sprint would risk jeopardizing a provider contract by using those names itself instead of covernames no doubt provided on actual such contracts. So, is someone having a go at you, or are you just playing along?

Now, I admit all this does not necessarily detract from the entertainment value of Roswell, Area 51, and other such conspiracy theories and speculations. Indeed, for an interesting point of departure on the area on which you're presumably writing about (acknowledged as Operating Location Near Groom Dry Lake), see http://www.sky.net/~wings/groom.htm
Most of it is a load of folderol, but some of it is well-conceived, entertaining folderol.

For a watchdog look into actual and alleged (U.S.) govt projects by
CREDIBLE persons, see any work by the Federation of American Scientists. They tell us they're working for the public good and I believe they believe that. Nevertheless, they're an incredibly liberal bunch with a politcal agenda. For the most part though, I believe they're well-intentioned and sincere, it's just that some of their conclusions still appear to be based on rather outlandish assumptions.

Rubbish indeed...?

Post 9

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Whatever the truth, it has generated a lot of documentation over the years... I spent a jolly weekend piecing together a sort of timeline for one of my other sites - you'll find it at http://www.paranormal.org.uk/alienufo/link0004.html

The most interesting thing I found was that Roswell was a two-day wonder, until the "National Enquirer" offered to pay witnesses for their stories in the late 1970s - most stories which claim to date back to the actual incident only seem to have surfaced then... Spooky? smiley - bigeyes

Rubbish indeed...?

Post 10

Grey Area

While I personally do not believe in Little Green Men, (or Grey), there are a few odd items here.
How did a supposed Intelligence Officer not recognise the fact that what he found was balsa wood and bacofoil, and not the "memory metal" he claimed to see?
And why did the Air Force come up with no less than 3 different stories over the years, of which the weather balloon was just the first?

Rubbish indeed...?

Post 11


Spooky indeed. Give me ten dollars and I'll be sure to remember that time I was abducted by little gray men....not to mention the giant reptile I saw surface from the pond while I was fishing. Five dollars more and I'll even draw you an artists representation of the two.

Any takers?

Rubbish indeed...?

Post 12


Takers? You mean those guys in the black helicopters?

Rubbish maybe...

Post 13

Dan Streetmentioner

I'm not convinced either way. But one thing is for sure - governments do not believe their sheep, sorry, citizens could handle such wondrous things as alien contact - they think that there would be mass hysteria, rioting, looting, pillaging etc. So if aliens have visited or if they ever do, I think a cover-up would be very likely.
Of course, if any aliens wanted their presence to be common knowledge they probably wouldn't have any problems making it so.
Or perhaps they are here but have some kind of Prime Directive - i.e. they are just waiting for us to grow up.

Rubbish maybe...

Post 14


I'm happy and satisfied that people (both sceptics and believers) have gathered and are having a debate about this subject. It makes my effort worthwhile. Thank you smiley - smiley

Rubbish indeed

Post 15

Anita Ryde (formerly Abi Normal)

I'm just a kid, I don't even have time to correct most of my speloling, let alone look for authenticity of a documan.
I just report what I here... hear. sorry

Rubbish maybe...

Post 16


Because there's no actual evidence of the event around any more (either there never was any, or it was removed by the DOD - whatever), it's really just down to a matter of faith whether you believe it or not. Sure, it was a bizarre thing to have been reported, and the DOD behaved very oddly in attempting to explain it away, but because it happened so long ago, and there's absolutely no way that any official documents puporting to it would ever be released for public scrutiny, everyone just has to believe what they want to believe.

It certainly can't proven that it wasn't aliens (which is no proof that it was, of course), so if it makes people excited and hopeful and part-of-a-crowd, good for them. If you want to dismiss it, go ahead - that's fine too. The 'truth' will never be revealed until some physical evidence is provided. And even if evidence is never forthcoming, people will keep on believing because they want to. In this, as in many cases, the truth is secondary to the strength of belief.

If you ask me, that's the interesting phenomenon here. Humans - you have to be constantly amazed at them! smiley - smiley

Rubbish maybe...

Post 17


in this case I don't realy think anyone is interested in the truth of it. Whatever that might be. It seems far more important to most to continue to perpetuate the myth.

Evidently, the truth is (not) out there.

Rubbish maybe...

Post 18

what you know as km

You're absolutely right, beeline.

...maybe the Roswell incident is a complete hoax perpetrated by the CIA in an effort to study human reaction to a complete hoax perpetrated by the CIA! And to aliens! And to scandal! And to New Mexico!

Well why not? smiley - winkeye

Rubbish maybe...

Post 19


That's it! You're right! Henceforth, I refuse to believe that New Mexico exists. Even if I ever actually go there, I'll refuse to believe it!

Mmmmmmmmmm CIA mind control programmes. smiley - smiley

Manchurian Candidate, anyone?

Rubbish maybe... but

Post 20

Dan Streetmentioner

we're all figments of our own imagination anyway. Our real bodies exist in vats of slime and we're just a power source for a race of androids. Hang on, that sounds familiar.... smiley - winkeye

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