A Conversation for TV Wrestling Fans

Wow, what an arse....

Post 1

Researcher 202038

Well, yet again, here we have another person slating wrestling who knows NOTHING about it!

Choreographed? No, it isn't.

No skill needed? You try it then..

Just need to be a big hunk of muscle? RVD, Lance Storm, Christian, Rey Mysterio, Billy Reil, any other cruiserweight and most technical wrestlers out there...point proven yet?

If you don't like wrestling, don't watch wrestling. You have no right at all to slate it just because you happen to not like it.

You certainly have no right to post an article of utter b******s.

There isn't one sentance in the whole article without a massive lie in it somewhere!

Wow, what an arse....

Post 2


Excuse me-I don't think you should be swearing on h2g2.

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