A Conversation for The Irving Washington BooK NooK


Post 1

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

ffMike has just told me that you incredibly lucky Brits will be able to watch a series on BBC 2 based on the Ghormenghast trilogy.

I plead with you all to try and make time to watch it, and tell the rest of us what you think. The Ghormenghast trilogy is an incredible set of books; the author, Mervyn Peake spent early childhood years in China and the Ghormenghast books just reek of Forbidden City...



Post 2

Metal Chicken

It's years since I read Gormenghast and the strange thing is that although I can't remember a single detail of the story, Mervyn Peake's descriptive power was so strong I can sit here and feel myself in his world so well I can almost smell the spices coming from the kitchens! A must see to everyone with access to BBC TV


Post 3


And another book goes on my reading list!


Post 4

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Bad news, beebs -- it's a trilogy. Another trilogy!

MC, I agree about descriptive power. I can practically feel the bare roots that fill the rooms where the sisters live, or smell the damp stones in those endless halls.



Post 5


Isn't it Gormenghast? Yep, just checked and it is. Anyway, that aside, I shall be watching it. They are doing the first two books in four hours (BBC hours, so longer than American hours) and they have been raving about it for ages. The BBC website has stuff on it here; http://www.bbc.co.uk/gormenghast/
I have to admit I was a wee bit worried when I first heard about it, the BBC being known for not having much money, but what I have seen does look very good. Off to salivate over the idea now.


Post 6

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You're right, this is a lot easier to pronounce smiley - winkeye.
Serves me right for writing posts after midnight.

Thank you so much for posting that URL; I have just been
over there and pored over the characters and set design
and so forth. Wow!I am SO envious.



Post 7


Courtesy38 dropped your name in passing. Just watched the show. It was good and disappointing at the same time. It was always going to be impossible to capture the gothic intensity and darkness of Peake's incredible imagination, so in a way it could never live up to expectations. But it could have been a lot worse. What is perhaps a little worrying for me is that my eight year old son loved it!


Post 8

Metal Chicken

So far, so good on the whole I thought. A bit pantomimish in places but maybe that's inevitable. Looks gorgeous though and has a certain brooding intensity that appeals. I'll have to check out that website too and see what other goodies we have in store.


Post 9

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Hi Serendipity! Nice you could stop by!

After searching the house several times, I finally ferreted out my old penguin copies of the trilogy and have begun reading them again.

In some ways the characters are highly stylized in the book, aren't they? It would be difficult to portray Flay without being over-the-top-Gothic. How does Christopher Lee do it?

I think Steerpike will go over big with the 8 to 18's ...



Post 10


There have been very few books that I've ever felt the need to re-read (there are just too many new books on my list), but I've always wanted to return to Gormenghast. I can't remember exactly at what age I read it, but I can still smell the atmosphere. And, yes, I'm sure Steerpike will appeal to the teenagers - especially the girls. Malevolence can have a disturbing appeal.

Gormenghast (My thoughts on Episode 1)

Post 11


I rather enjoyed it. I think the acting was particularly fine. None of the characters felt wrong from my memories of the book, which is a big plus for me. I was a bit worried the CSO/Matte line thingies might get in the way, but they weren't too bad. Probably the biggest problem is that it went by so fast. The book took me ages while the series feels slightly rushed.
While Steerpike might be popular with young girls, I definately liked both Flay and Nanny Slag, who certainly had the best of the first episode in a character building way.
Also, I noted that it is a co-production with a Boston TV station, so you americans should not have long to wait to see it I would assume.

Gormenghast (My thoughts on Episode 1)

Post 12

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Boston TV?

I wonder if that would be WGBH (grievous broadcastly harm), a very prominent and well-funded public-service station. Well, that is splendid news. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. smiley - winkeye

Last night I re-read about a hundred pages of the first book, and it struck me (this is the first re-read in 20 years) what a painterly writer Peake was. He is most definite about what his characters look like, and that in itself must be an extreme challenge to casting.

Christopher Plummer would have been the only alternative to Lee, for that dessiccated gloomy taciturn look.

Mike A told me it ended with a cliffhanger, the library burning down, so I need to at least get that far before next week's episode -- it is weekly, isn't it?


Gormenghast (My thoughts on Episode 1)

Post 13


That to me is the greatest difficulty with a TV series. Peake so carefully describes everything that it is very difficult to adapt without changing things. And if you don't change things it can feel a bit weird. By that I mean, what is good in the book, lots of description, extremely weird and colourful characters, takes all of two minutes to come across on TV, leaving a bit of a gap. I still like it mind, as the story comes across more, and is rather fine.
As to WGBH, that sounds right. They have a bit of a history of BBC co-productions don't they?

Gormenghast (My thoughts on Episode 1)

Post 14

Mrs V

Hoi, less of the TEENS. I'm a good healthy 21, and would definately not be kicking Steerpike out of bed on a chilly morning. I just can't wait until the man I truely worship (ie Stephen Fry) turns up in the 3rd episode. I always did have a bit of a thing for Steerpike though. And its really only an Adaptation of the first two novels aparently. I'll just go away and drool over the pictures I cut out of the TV pages, be vacuous and leave you intelligent types to get on with discussing the deep and meaningful.
Sigh, Drool, Hxx

Gormenghast (My thoughts on Episode 1)

Post 15


Hey Helena (Vibenstine? I think Ive been away for a long time)
I am now inamoured with Steven Fry Myslelf (I am reading Moab is my Washpot, his Autobio) and it is (if you pardon the expletive) the shit.

It truly gives an insight into his personality -- like the fact that he couldnt sing to save his life -- really lets you agonise with him when he has to do a Rap on Whose Line is it Anyway! smiley - smiley

~Beeblefish smiley - fish

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