A Conversation for String Theory


Post 1

Researcher 135409

So where are the other theories, like the shoe string theory and the babble fish string theory?
Are they all connected to other theories.....at the end of the universe ?
And do we all communicate in terms of questions?
Or is it just connected to the theory of random order where in reality nothing is related or relative, but actually being outside reality we are all related and connected by a a very small space - 10-32m ?

I am all strung out.

Post 2

Neutrino Spasm

If I did not know better I would think I am being strung along. However something puzzles me. At the tremendous forces involved in this ultimate piece of matter why is it that we do not feel it are we composed of so little matter that it is inconssequential? Is it more noticeable in one of the other 26 dimensions or are there other explanations?

I am all strung out.

Post 3

Orinocco (R51290)

You've obviously been looking at the WRONG String Theory. Might I humbly suggest you visit 'my space' and take a look at A416747, "String Theory - The Alternative".
I feel sure it will make all things plain (or is it plane ?)

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