A Conversation for String Theory

string theory

Post 1


Just goes to show that if you can think up something wacky enough, there's somebody out there wacky enough to give you a grant for it!

Extra dimensions wrapped up inside at bit of 'string'?!

I'm off for a nice, hot, cup of tea.

string theory

Post 2


The extra dimensions may mean alternate simultaneous realities. In one of these alternative universes you may be a strong adherent to string theory.

string theory - a viable alternative

Post 3

Orinocco (R51290)

I don't hold with this Theory of String - the Alternative String Theory is outlined in my home space (somewhere). I haven't submitted it for rejection yet as everyone and their dog has bought into the Theory which started this discussion.
I know that as soon as I've got a significant proportion of public opinion on my side (15%), then my theory will gain presidence.
What has it got going for it, I hear you ask ?
Well, for a start there isn't any heavy math in it, and each aspect is far more useful in every day life (which of course is what we need to know and look to the Guide to provide)

string theory - a viable alternative

Post 4

Orinocco (R51290)

It's just occured to me that there are probably as many string theories as there are ... well ... pieces of string !

string theory

Post 5


> The extra dimensions may mean alternate simultaneous realities. In one of these alternative universes you may be a strong adherent to string theory.

Know, your mixing up the string theory with the theory of parallel universes, which gives an explanation of more dimensions than the classical four ones. Hmm, is there a good article about parallel universes already?

string theory

Post 6


Know, your mixing up the string theory with the theory of parallel universes, which gives an explanation of more dimensions than the classical four ones. Hmm, is there a good article about parallel universes already?

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