A Conversation for String Theory

how string theory explains gravity

Post 1


This article sounds very familiar to the one i read on the official superstring homepage. I hope that other people on h2g2 learn more about superstring theory. I think it is cool how string theory tries to explain things like why light can travel in a vacuum, and what is gravity. The sad thing is that while string theory can be explained mathematically in a set amount of dimensions were as quantum and relativity cannot be used to explain each other, string theory can explain both of them. It has been said that string theory could be studied if we were to build a particle accelerater fast enough to produce the amount of energy set by string theory, but governments are blocking scientists from doing so, because it is thought that energy produced by the machine would be so powerful it might destroy our world as we know it. I would like to hear what other people know about string theory i am only 14, were as others will know more. lets contribute, to the world bank of knowledge here at h2g2!

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how string theory explains gravity

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