A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks & Beach

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 241


smiley - smiley sure thanks! some people have links to the menu 'cause from time to time the thread moves... smiley - smiley

*hands over chocolate EBA with a grin*

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 242

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

Hey Jo! How's life? How was your holiday?

Oh - while you're here, I'll have a couple of chocolate supremes, please! smiley - tongueout

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 243


*hands over 2 chocolate supemes, and has an EBA*
It was fun... you can read all about it in Next weeks post!! I never expected to be Joanna (Princess of Darkness, Blower of Bubbles) PR ACE but you never know! it might happen! smiley - smiley

sorry, I seem to be on exclamation point mode.

How're you?smiley - tongueout

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 244


Thanks for the EBA.

As for the menu link, it's as good as done! smiley - winkeye

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 245

P'hul -that just turns over heads up pennies that she finds

*Bursts in in pirate fashion, because that's what kind of an entrance a pirate would
make.(complete with stuffed parot on shoulder, peg leg, and patch over left eye)*

I wish to celebrate, a little early though it might be...

Firstly, for venturing, and finding the donut stall, once again, aye it's been so long-
Secondly, for finally being inspired enough to write a guide entry.
I still haven't submitted it yet, I am going to edit it still.

But, I'm still excited about the whole thing!

So, *put's on pirate accent* 'AAARRRGGG'
*then stops it* and swirls around until she is back into her normal clothes*
I would like a champagne donut, and a honey donut, please!!!

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 246

The Researcher formally known as Dr St Justin

I'm pretty good! Relishing my last weeks of h2g2 for ages... smiley - sadface

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 247


T'ank you! smiley - smiley

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 248

P'hul -that just turns over heads up pennies that she finds

So what's the limit on alcoholic donuts?
Have you got any margarita donuts,
'gin n tonic's?
maybe a 'sex on the beach' kind?

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 249


Justin: *sympathy*
P'hul: I'm not sure... I've only gotten as far as champagne... *hands over champagne donut* we do do hangover cure donuts, though...smiley - winkeye

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 250

P'hul -that just turns over heads up pennies that she finds

I just saw that you replied to 'WELL'. That is not the one I was talking about when I
was a pirate. I'm sorry. You must think I'm silly!
Anyways, thanks for visiting!
& I WAS talking about 'To Appear Professional'
Hey , I just had a thought,
Maybe, I'd like to be the donut stall bartender or whatever, if ever you needed one
I'm not sure if it's a good suggestion, just one.
And thanks for the donut smiley - smiley
I really must be off for now, geez this place is hypnotyzing!!!
*Eats donut in one bite (like they do in cartoons) smiles, nods, (mouth is still full)
turns round and is in pirate costume once again because it is a good way to
make an EXIT as well, waves, (mouth still full) and hobbles off fastly but grandly
on wooden leg.

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 251

Demon Drawer

An S3, S5, S7, S12 and S 16 please Joanna. I notice sales are a bit down. How about doing a Presidential Donout Tally. Design a doughnut for each of the Prez candidates like what Thornton's do for the general elections. smiley - smiley

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 252


*hands over s donuts*

CU l8r..

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 253


*has an s3*

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 254

Eomando (it is it is it is 2 years now!!! 8-) )

*eats an S3iaS5 & wonders if that might be considered to be an S8 before wondering back off so revise for her final exam...smiley - smiley*

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 255


*slowly wanders in, glad to see that it's no longer self service*

Can I have a surprise donut please?

*waits for delivery then wanders back out, wondering where to go next*

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 256


The forum and firkin, definitely. smiley - smiley

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 257


Maybe. Drown a few sorrows...

Mt Sandcastle's Alabaster donut stall

Post 258

The Cheese

Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm running for President as well as Joanna and DD, even though I'm pretty sure most of the regulars here will be voting for the aforementioned pair smiley - winkeye.

Anyway, you can see my official campaign page at http://www.h2g2.com/A370919

And unlike a certain other pair, I didn't create an entire new user for my HQ, which slows down h2g2 more than a plain Entry smiley - tongueout. So you can thank Joanna and DD when h2g2 crashes due to overload, not me smiley - tongueout.

"Standing Alone at the Top of the Heap" - Cheese2000

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 259

Demon Drawer

Joanna I think after 250 posts it may be worth opening a new stall. smiley - winkeye

Mmmmm Donuts

Post 260

The Cheese

Stupid symlpost!

I just decided to reply to the first post anyway smiley - tongueout.

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