A Conversation for The Café

Good day

Post 621

Jay Dawg

Afternoon, Titania...
whatcha w*rkin' on?

*yawns from lack of sleep*

Keep em' comin' IIEM...

Good day

Post 622

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*back from lunch*

Quite depressing weather to come back too here... From 20+ degrees and mostly sunny, to about 12 degrees and cloudy...smiley - sadface

IIEM, another coffee please.

*joins T in w*rk corner*

Good day

Post 623

Yeliab {h2g2as}

The sky is showing of some truly fantastic clouds at the moment. Really big bushy ones, the kind that you allways want to be able to fly around.

Hmm, I'm in the middle of exams. There horrible. I have no life at all now, not that I had one before that is.

IIEM, coffee please! Fair Traded too.

*Sits in cumphy chair and gets out notes to revise*

Good day

Post 624

Jay Dawg

You're lucky, Yeliab - my sky is totally dark.

I just graduated - and let me tell you, these tests are nothing
compared to real life. smiley - smiley

Good day

Post 625

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Well they seem alot at the moment. I guess next year I'll look back and think "wasn't that first year easy!".

Arg, can't wait for the summer.

Good day

Post 626

Titania (gone for lunch)

*looks up from pile*

Hi One-eye, Yeliab!smiley - smiley

Sorry Jay, didn't mean to ignore you, but our w*rk server decided to have a siesta...

IIEM, another caffe latte, please!

Good day

Post 627

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*looks at watch*
Oh dear...

i'm off! Sorry that I haven't been very social today, but it's been a terribly busy day! See y'all later!

*runs out the door*

Good day

Post 628

Morpheus(Tuborg beer)

Hi. smiley - cool
So what is happening, anyone wanna see my latest Guide entry? I am pretty proud of it... It is about Oslo of all things, but I figured; hey, h2g2 is supposed to be about everything is it not? So I thought a hitchhikers guide to Oslo was a good idea. Anywayz, IIEM; double espresso please.
smiley - fish

Friday! :-D

Post 629

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available


Mornin' empty cafè!

IIEM, coffee please.


Friday! :-D

Post 630


*Washes up*
*Puts v/_\3 on*


Friday! :-D

Post 631

Yeliab {h2g2as}

*enters looking tyred and stressed*
Bluebottle could you explain what a v/_\3 is?

Arg, exam on monday. T, W and T too. Oh what fun.
IIEM, may I have a double expresso to go please.

*picks up drink and heads out of the cafe*

Friday! :-D

Post 632


Hi Bluebottle smiley - smiley
Do you recon we should tell Yeliab what a teapot is? smiley - winkeye
How did that rhyme go again?

Friday! :-D

Post 633

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Ahh it's like that is it. i allways thought it would be round the other way. 3/_\v smiley - coffee

Friday! :-D

Post 634

One-eye, KoD, gent, MuG, randomly available

*finishes w*rk and leaves for another long weekend, won't be back 'till Tuesday!smiley - biggrin*

Good luck with the exams, Yeli!smiley - smiley

Bye all, have a nice weekend!


Friday! :-D

Post 635

Morpheus(Tuborg beer)

Hi, everyone: Jackass in on the tele today! Oh happy joy, I love watching those skaters **** themselves up smiley - ok. Anyway I got a question about the Guide; what does the percentage score beside the Guide entries mean?
IIEM; double Cortado please. smiley - coffee
*sits down by window in the couch and hopes someone answers his question*

Friday! :-D

Post 636


No idea Morph. Try here:
Maybe you find the answer there smiley - smiley

Friday! :-D

Post 637

Barneys Bucksaws

Happy Friday, everyone. Coffee please IIEM. Can't stay too long. I have a newsletter to write sometime today. They've been bugging me for a week to get it out. Guess I'd better. What's everyone up to this weekend, besides studying?

Friday! :-D

Post 638

Morpheus(Tuborg beer)

Well, let me tell you.
I am so lucky that I am stationed (I am in the Army, national duty in Norway) in a place called Setermoen. This place has about 1000 citizens, all spread out over a large area. It is located one hour by plane and 45 minutes by bus NORTH of the Arctic circle.
Things to do in Setermoen:Buy some candy at the local Mix outsale, by groceries at Rimismiley - sadfacebig store chain in Norway), eat some pizza (not tasty) at Jokern pizza bar, or drink beer in this incredibly small and shitty pub called Jeppes. So, I decided to my self, I am going to watch TV in my room, witch I by the way share with five others. smiley - sadface

Friday! :-D

Post 639

Barneys Bucksaws

Know all about the Military thing. I was Canadian Navy, stationed at a radio station 30 miles from the nearest city. If I couldn't get into Halifax, I was stuck in this little town, no place to buy pizza, and not much to do but go to the mess. Wasn't my idea of fun, even then. I really hated it till I went out of my way to meet the locals - mostly fishermen, bootleggers, and their families. They introduced me to lobster, and lobster fishing, smelting, the joy of fresh-caught cod, clam chowder (m-m-m-m), and community baseball games after supper. The place I hated became some of my best memories of my Military years. Hang in there - there's always the hope of a new posting!

Friday! :-D

Post 640

Darkman Shadow

[A tall, dark, and marginally handsome figure walks in. The entire lower half of his face is hidden. In fact, all that can be seen of him is his blue eyes and a bit of his brown hair. That's me.]


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