This is the Message Centre for The Grim Squeaker

Hello hello

Post 1

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

Definitely the most creative persona I've seen around here yet...or at any rate the most conscientiously maintained. New here, I presume?

Hello hello

Post 2

The Grim Squeaker

*scribbles on the little pad 'Yes, got some time on my paws at the moment though I can hear the terriers being warmed up. You?'*

*hands over the notelet*


Hello hello

Post 3

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

*intercepts notelet and eats it*


Hello hello

Post 4

The Grim Squeaker

*points a bony finger at Sidney Kidney*


*a cold wind moans, a mournful bell tolls repeatedly and a couple of tumbleweeds blow through*

Hello hello

Post 5

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor

*manages to read notelet just before it gets intercepted*

Myself, I've only been around for a week or two and I seem to be _making_ time; rather more of it than I ought to, in fact. Darn outside responsibilities.

Hello hello

Post 6

The Grim Squeaker


*nods sagely causing bones to click, click, click...*

Hello hello

Post 7

Lupa Mirabilis, Serious Inquisitor


*wonders if this little creature could be made into a percussion instrument*

Hello hello

Post 8

The Grim Squeaker

*brandishes scythe and eye sockets glow a dull red*

*wags a bony finger at Lupa Mirabilis*

Hello hello

Post 9

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Lupa Mirabillis, never look at the eyes!!

Your getting quite a reputation around these parts Grim!

Hello hello

Post 10

The Grim Squeaker

*looks questionly at Sidney Kidney*

Hello hello

Post 11

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

I think it is sid who is getting the rep!

Hello hello

Post 12

Nick O`Teen

This whole third person narrative stuff just kills me (no pun intended, unless it's actually funny). smiley - smiley

The mere premise of your home page practically _forced_ me to link to your page from mine. But was it free will? Was I in control of my own actions?

Hello hello

Post 13

The Grim Squeaker

*shakes head making neck vetebrae go click click click*

Hello hello

Post 14

Nick O`Teen

Curses! Manipulated again! I am a weak-minded weevil, indeed.

Hello hello

Post 15

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

be careful - osteo-arthritis can't be fun for a skellington.

Hello hello

Post 16

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Indeed!!!, smear Grim in KY Jelly!!!!

Hello hello

Post 17

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

no, he needs to take plenty of nice warm baths, get regular non-impact exercise and eat properly for later life

Hello hello

Post 18

Nick O`Teen

I think he needs to feed on the souls of Rats. Clear that up right away.

Hello hello

Post 19

The Grim Squeaker

*clasps bony paw over eye sockets in frustration*

Hello hello

Post 20

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

I still say KY Jelly is the answer. It's a fantastic lubricant don't you know!!smiley - winkeye

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