A Conversation for The King 2legs campaign Head quarters for the Monster Raving Badger Party

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 1


Boo! Hiss! smiley - evilgrin
Are we going to let one man/myth/party rule over all of h2g2's great institutions and administration? No!

2legs would institute a state religion - nighthooverism. Myself, I worship at the altar of the sheep and would not want to be forced to worship a pagan symbol like nighthoover.

I think that the President elect should force King 2legs to sign a Magna Hoota Carta, allowing democracy to triumph! Hoo-raw! Withdraw today or we shall crush you smiley - evilgrin

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 2

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Not only do I have a leg to stand on I quite clearly have two legs! smiley - winkeye As a resolute believer in the seperation of state and religion, I see that the role of the state, and hence of myself as soon-to-be head of state and president, is not to put foward a single, self-held view of religion.
Rather, I stand for the role of governemnt in allowing the i instutes be made availible to all on H2G2 so that they may follow, or abstain from any religion they wish.
We will run a campaign free from religious reference, and without prejudice towards a any other candidate or voter, on teh basis of their religious beliefs, their social background, political alligence, creed, race, or sexuality gender or age.
The manafesto for President to be 2legs, (which is soon to be unveiled), will outline the ways in which 2legs holds a vision of H2G2 free from prejudice and in which all may prosper and get drunk.

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 3


And yet, you said you were considering naming your party the nighthoover party.
I smell scandal.

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Scandle? scandle? I told the news papers at the time, my involvement in the riots was purely coincidental smiley - blushsmiley - winkeye Yeh, I was* toying with the nh party name, but decided against smiley - biggrin

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 5


Ah, but did you knowingly and purposefully demonstrate that you are the candidate of nighthooverdom?

As a high priest of the nighthooverdom, and King, do you think it's appropriate to stand for political office? I certainly wouldn't want the Pope elected US President (or whatever) 'cos I'd be afraid he'd let his religious views overshadow his better judgement.

Are you planning secret pork spending on Rockall?

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 6

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - biggrin Oh dear smiley - blush But have you seen the other main contender? and their blatant use of their own religion; thingitism to grab votes? Its disgraceful! and dishonest! the nighthooverites be few and their voting for me, or voting for another candidate is on their own individual thoughts over procedings; many are also* thingites and may be swayed by the backhanded tactics of the opposition smiley - evilgrin being high priest to nighthoover, and being King, are two seperate roles that I belive are compatible with being president! smiley - biggrin Though religion, nighthooveism or being the king, are things that may underpin many of the choice I take, they will not* ever* be allowed to be the route to create policy to serve their own ends smiley - erm

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 7


Thingitism isn't a religion. It's a pure campaign of love and peace to change the calendars to be more acceptable to all right-thinking human beings.

The President must lead by consensus. The nighthooverian myopic zeal is apparent in all things and plans they execute. To make choices based on your priesthood instead of by consensus and for the good of hootoo is inexcusable and I demand that you withdraw your name from consideration. smiley - evilgrin

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 8

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Nonsense! gobblydgook! nonsense!

The nighthooverism is but a mere sideline and is not an all prevailing ethos, unlike the thingites, who's methodology and actions are more akin to a radical religious movement!

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 9


Horse crap! (to be blunt smiley - winkeye)
The Thingites don't have high priests and have no character to worship. They are a campaign. An uprising.

nighthooverism is not only a prevailing ethos, it is a devouring one. It swallows one whole and forces them to do things they didn't think possible.

Woah, nighthoover.
If you really want a strong, honest figure to worship, there are plenty of sheep.

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 10

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laugh no no no no no a thousand no's! smiley - biggrin The thingites are so totally pervaded by their v v vies views on renaming the dsays of the week that they remaind unable to see the bigger picture! My campaign will, when it is reveal, who how the bigger picture is all envasve, and how looking at the broad and wide scape and make up that forms the great hooToo, we can build togehter a brighter future for all, based on mutual cooperation and agreement. Religion and nighthooverism in particular will play no* part in this whatsoever. Whereas; to the thingites, the renamin gof the week will be the only pervasive aspect to the campaign, no matter how thickly vailed!

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 11


I do not support Clive for President. I am however, a thingite, and would meet you on the field of honor with smiley - sporks at dawn, sah! ...only, I have to be sleeping at dawn smiley - erm
I'd rather have a Thingite in office than a rabid nighthooverian like yourself. One's a dangerous loon, the other isn't. Like the other thread said, it's badgers versus badges.

My candidate should announce later tonight. Y'know, if you step back, I may not push for a Magna Carta once my candidate wins. You might even get a cushy cabinet job

I could see to it that you're made Secretary of Rockall relations, owing to your experience and knowledge in the field.

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 12

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers naa! this means war! smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 13


I've never lost an election in my life. If I have to work to crush you, I'll just have to be the Rockall liaison myself. And I don't want to be that because Rockall is small and slippery and has no internet access smiley - wah

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 14

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wah I was kinda forced into standing smiley - ermsmiley - evilgrin

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 15


You're gonna let those folks push you around?

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 16

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

I cannot have this slander, this outrage, this total blasphemy if you will..well blasphemy with no actual religious meaning, well even though a blasphemy would normally be taken to have a religious connotation I would of course not like to put that kind of meaning behind my remark...well strike out the blasphemy and put in ludicrous accusation maybe...um where was I...oh yes...2legs would of course not be foolish enough to let his religious beliefs cloud his judgment as King/Pres...

with that being said, (well said, but maybe not understood) I am not sure who I am voting for yet but 2Legs deserves to run smiley - laugh

and sheep are liars smiley - winkeye

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 17

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The peoples independence party of 2legs represents all and beyond, for their own ends, and to their own means, that the people will have the power for the duration at least of my rule

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 18


What do you call a sheep without its 2 legs?
A cloud. smiley - smiley Look at me, floating above you legged folks and your silliness. Hah.

smiley - blacksheep

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 19

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh I've renamed my party, the Monster Raving badger party smiley - biggrinsmiley - boingsmiley - goodluck

You haven't got a leg to stand on!

Post 20

Trin Tragula

Ooo - blatant attempt to target badger swing voters smiley - erm

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