A Conversation for Samuel Clemens aka Mark Twain

mark twain

Post 1


his name was derived from his job on the riverboats...to measure the depth ov the water they wer travelling in, they inserted a pole into the water and read the markings...mark twain was the measure for 2 fathoms deep!...am i right in thinking his middle name was leghorn???

mark twain

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

2 fathoms is 12 feet. Thats a lot of pole to wave about. I heard something very similar. The leadsman stood on the front of the boat whirling a weighted lead which he threw over the side, as he pulled it back onboard he counted the knots.

Mark Twain was a single knot - very shallow water.

Isn't it funny how we pick up a story and assume it to be true (both of us - I have no claim to certainty - its just a nice story. Imagine a foggy night on The Mississippi, lights drift slowly past beyond the trees and voice calls out - basso profundo - Maaaaaaark Twaiaiaiain.)

mark twain

Post 3

BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows

Yes, I remember being told this at school40 years ago!. Oddly, not a lot of people seem to know this.

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