A Conversation for Hobbits

The play

Post 1

Cheerful Dragon

I've just got back from seeing a stage adaptation of 'The Hobbit' at the Alexandra Theatre in Birmingham. It was quite good, and fairly true to the book. Fair sized chunks had to be omitted or trimmed so they could squeeze the story into 2 hours or so, and they had to reduce the number of dwarfs because 14 or more people on stage at one time would have been a bit crowded. However, they got in all the salient points and it was very enjoyable. Well worth seeing! smiley - bigeyes

The play

Post 2


Really? Back in my earlier, Tolkien-loving days (about 2 years ago), there was a play of The Hobbit at a local University. Not that I got to see it. It just seemed like a good time to bring it up. smiley - smiley

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