This is the Message Centre for Zak T Duck

Le sigh

Post 1

Zak T Duck

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.

Sorry, it's just my brain playing catch up with the rest of me. Suspect it's partly due to the longer evenings taking their toll, my life not being my own again, too much going on at work, the 'rents on a decorating drive and a quick glance at a few random pages appears that my name's being dragged through the gutter. Maybe I'm imagining the latter or reading too much into things. Or not reading enough into it. I don't really care either way, although partly I do.

For those who will be at the meet this weekend, enjoy yourselves. For me it's toll on March and the lighter nights, I might feel more sociable by then.

Le sigh

Post 2


smiley - hug

The early darkness and constant rain is miserable, I agree. I shall join you in that sigh.

Le sigh

Post 3

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

I have to say that my imagined playing-out of me attending a London meet goes along the lines of Murder on the Orient Express, with a huge queue of people lining up to hurl abuse at me, or worse. So I tend to avoid them.

It's mainly because I have a habit of saying what I think, but at least no-one could accuse me of not thinking.

Le sigh

Post 4

Zak T Duck

You've nothing to worry about on that aspect. There are times even at a meet where I've certainly put my foot in it by saying the first thing that pops into my head. I'm still quite alive.

Le sigh

Post 5


smiley - hug

It's horrible when you leave the house in darkness and get home just to see the night drawing in. Bah!

You could always tie lots of torches to yourself and scare the nighttime away. smiley - smiley

Le sigh

Post 6

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm not quite sure if I understood it all, but it sounds depressing. smiley - hug
I'll not be at the meet, either, but hopr to see you next year again. smiley - hug
Oh, and FM, I've never experienced somebody hurling abuse at somebody else at a meet. Maybe you should just go to one? smiley - ok

Le sigh

Post 7

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

smiley - hug

*proffers mufflewhump*

Le sigh

Post 8

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - hug

I likes ya'. And I still owe you a pair of AA batteries. So at some meet in the future, you *must* show up, if only to get them back. When I can make it to Lund'n.

*to all you dirty minded out there - you know who you are - batteries for the CAMERA!* smiley - tongueout

smiley - towel

Le sigh

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - hugI like you too, always available for a smiley - hug

I've been to lots of meets and never witnessed anyone hurling abuse at anyone else. Lots of drunk people slobbering all over each other, hiding under t-shirts (someone else's) and camera-clicking going on, but no abuse.

I'm not going to London either Croz so we'll make that a group *sigh*

Le sigh

Post 10

Zak T Duck

I could do with a new pair of glasses. Maybe I should get a pair with some torches on the sides eh Footy?

No need to understand it B'El. It's just some random rant, mostly at myself.

*Accepts the Mufflewhump gladly*

It doesn't matter about the batteries Milla, just pass on the good deed.

Hmm, another club eh? Sounds suspiciously like a plan to me.

Le sigh

Post 11

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - smiley

I understand these are this seasons *must have* in eyewear. Very swish. A little bit of summer, all year round.
smiley - gift

Le sigh

Post 12

Zak T Duck

How very swish. They are the sort of specs I'd wear if I was watching (or in) Tiki Bar TV.

Le sigh

Post 13

Mrs Bojangles

smiley - bigeyes


Aha! Yet another addition to the bookmark of 'special things'.smiley - cheers

Le sigh

Post 14

aka Bel - A87832164

Is that a bar on Thor Heyerdahl's ship? smiley - silly

Le sigh

Post 15

Zak T Duck

It's actually a bar with a Polynesian look and feel, as well as a video blog on cocktails.

Le sigh

Post 16

Zak T Duck

smiley - doh got the link wrong

Le sigh

Post 17

aka Bel - A87832164

Right, that's just my luck, site can't be shown smiley - laugh

Le sigh

Post 18

aka Bel - A87832164

And now it works smiley - weird

Le sigh

Post 19


Aha! smiley - eureka

You've just reminded me that someone was admiring your rather super duper watch, and that you know what is only 10 weeks away....smiley - run

Le sigh

Post 20

Zak T Duck

Don't you mean 1010 weeks away?

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