A Conversation for The GuideML Clinic

Journal error

Post 1

Wendy RedredRobin

There appears to be a problem with my Journal page, when I click to create an entry I am met with a white page with plain text giving a link back to "Your Page", My Nickname with a link to "Change this" and no means of creating an entry, if I click the link to Your Page from this white page I am met with the following message "We Apologise for the Inconvenience

The following error occurred: An unknown error has occurred"

Help .... any ideas what has happened?

Journal error

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ah - the 'unknown error' error message!smiley - silly

Probably just a temporary glitch - try clicking on this link and see if it works:


Journal error

Post 3


Unless it is one of the random site errors/crashes (in which case trying again should give you a different result), I suspect it is because you are still really a member of POV. This means your journal forum F1960531 would also be on POV and POV doesn't support members making journal entries. The ability to update your personal space page via another site was something built into the software earlier on.

Journal error

Post 4

Wendy RedredRobin

Sadly Titania no it did not work, just took me to the same white page. I have tried lowering my setting re "cookies" just in case that was the casue of the problem, but no luck ... smiley - sadface

I first tried to post a Journal entry on Sunday, hoped it was a glitch, but whatever it is it is still there.

Journal error

Post 5

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on h2g2
"Create an account on HooToo"

Journal error

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh, I see!smiley - doh Wendy signed up with POV, and if I view my user page in the POV skin, it doesn't have an 'add a journal' link

Journal error

Post 7

Zak T Duck

Have you tried a forced refresh Wendy (Hold Ctrl and then press F5)?

Journal error

Post 8

Wendy RedredRobin

Yes I have tried a "forced refresh". It would seem that I have an account on Hoo Too as I can retrieve and edit my details and I can also create a Guide Entry (which I am currently working on smiley - smiley) Everything seems to work as expected except creating a Journal Entry ...

I'm stumped.

Journal error

Post 9

Wendy RedredRobin

PS ... I am in the Hoo Too Brunel skin too. Ooops its a little tickly smiley - blush

Journal error

Post 10

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on top
"You created your account on POV. That is where the entry for your Personal Space is.

Nomatter from which site youlook at it your account is on POV.

POV accounts do not have a journal. A journal is some kind of thread on a forum on the entry for your Personal Space.
You can create entries on any of the other sites, but not on POV.

Nothing wrong, just some 'strange' properties for the new Message Board accounts. "

Journal error

Post 11

Wendy RedredRobin

Can't remember where I created my account originally but it was certainly on one of the BBC Messageboards not over here on h2g2 so that could be the reason why the Journal does not work. Shame, but I can live with that.

The thing that confuses me here is that I now use h2g2 Brunel as my default page. I have created a little introduction piece on my personal space using Guild ML from the h2g2 brunel version of My Page and hope to write a Guide Entry as the relevant page opens (it is in the planning stage) smiley - thepost

When viewed with DNA Skin I can neither create / edit my personal introduction or write an "Article" which I assume is a Guide Entry as the links will not allow me to do so as I am not an "Editor" these are the messages displayed if I try ...

"Upate Introduction - Sorry, you can only add or edit Articles on the Hub if you are an Editor."

"Add Article - Sorry, you can only add or edit Articles on the Hub if you are an Editor."

There is no link to create an entry for the Journal on DNA.

On the POV site the "Your Page" link just takes you to a list of postings. If I change the "MP" next to my number to a "U" it takes me to a more recognisable Personal page, with the introduction I created in brunel. But as with DNA the links do not work, although there are links "Click Here to Add Journal Entry" and "Click Here to Add New Article"

Perhaps this explains why so few people from POV have created an entry in their personal pages.

All I can think of is that I am jumping the gun here smiley - online2long as the process of transfer of the BBC sites over to h2g2 is a considerable undertaking and when completed all the links will work.

Journal error

Post 12

I'm not really here

If by DNA skin you mean the Hub, then no-one can create or edit entries there, it's not that sort of site - that's not related to you being from POV.

Journal error

Post 13

Wendy RedredRobin

Yes by DNA I did mean the DNA"Hub".

Strange though, that there are links on the Hub to create entries if no-one can do so smiley - erm

Hope I will not always be marked out as an smiley - martiansmile from POV

Journal error

Post 14


Hi Wendy,

Your account is a POV one, so you can't add journal entries at the present time. smiley - sadface

As you rightly guessed smiley - ok, these features haven't been added for messageboard members yet, because we're busy moving all of the old style BBC messageboards onto DNA. So far we've completed three, so only another 50 or so to go! smiley - groan

Journal error

Post 15


Hi Wendy,

I can move you into h2g2 permanently, if that's what you'd prefer? You would still be able to post to POV. There is a slight 'catch' though - so if you're considering it, can you email me first at hub dot editors at bbc dot co dot uk, so I can explain, and then you can make an informed choice!

"Hope I will not always be marked out as an from POV"

This is exactly the reason why we've asked the people here not to go to the new messageboards and try to lure the posters from there, over to here. Much of the functionality just won't work, as of yet..

Unfortunately one individual ignored our polite request. smiley - sigh Oh well, hopefully it's a one-off! Lovely to have you here though anyway!

Journal error

Post 16

Wendy RedredRobin

Thanks Peta, It's a relief to know it is not gremlins in the works this end. smiley - yikes You certainly have a mammoth task ahead. Good luck! smiley - cheerup

Journal error

Post 17

Wendy RedredRobin


No don't worry about that. I am a patient soul and am quite happy to wait for things to click into place when you have done all that you have to. Know what you mean smiley - winkeye

Journal error

Post 18


smiley - smiley Great! Happy h2g2-ing! I'll leave you with the Gurus again now!

See you around!

Journal error

Post 19

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on top
"Chances are the 'announced' button;
[Email me of new messages] for replies to your posting will only work for Messageboard members. "

Journal error

Post 20


Traveller in Time: "Chances are the 'announced' button;
[Email me of new messages] for replies to your posting will only work for Messageboard members. "

It isn't an "announced button" Traveller. It's a feature that has been requested by board members. That's not the same thing at all. We don't announce things until we have them!

When functionality is made available it'll be offered to all sites/communities, but it will be up to their Editors/hosts (& community members!) to decide whether it would be a good idea or add them to their site, or not.

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