A Conversation for The GuideML Clinic
Having problems
kabads Started conversation Jun 23, 2001
with my entry - http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A582059
For some reason the page shows an error, which I'm not sure how to fix.
I haven't used anything flash or fancy.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
Having problems
Tango Posted Jun 24, 2001
I think there might be something wrong with the list. I advise using this kind of syntax:
Tommy - ...
Chuckie - ...
This might work better. If it doesn't let me know.
Having problems
Tango Posted Jun 24, 2001
There wasn't when I checked. I used the /test123456 thing to check the GuideML.
Having problems
kabads Posted Jun 24, 2001
Thanks for reading my mind about the testa123456- I should have warned you that it appears empty.
I tried your restructure of the list - but am still getting an error of:
Rugrats is a term which describes young children who crawl or 'coast' around the carpets.
"Only one top level element is allowed in an XML document."
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Having problems
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