This is the Message Centre for Nick O`Teen

Internet Hell

Post 41


Returning to this v. old post, I have started to draft my fantasy wish-list for Christmas (as I know I'm not getting any of this stuff)

1. a fortnight's holiday in a v. sunny place with a beach
2. a lovely shiny digital camera (Sony Cybershot looks totally groovy)
3. a scanner (I might actually get this myself - I've been promising myself one for ages... new toy!)
4. a Psion or similar new toy #3
5. a new carpet - my old sad brown one is looking decidedly cruddy in this harsh winter light (it didn't look much better in the warm summer glow)
6. loads of books - ooh I love books (I have a thing about the smell of paper - delish smiley - smiley )
7. er.. chocolate

That's about it really - only a few thousand pounds worth of gear - d'you think Santa will come across?

(No, neither do I smiley - smiley)

Internet Hell

Post 42

Nick O`Teen

Geez, I wouldn't mind a few of those items myself, like a digital camera and a scanner. Since I've read all my books at least twice now, some new ones would be nice.

Why can't I think of these things when my family members ask me what I want for Christmas? I think it's the same phenomenon that causes me to forget, the moment I walk into the shop, all the CD's I've been wanting to buy. smiley - smiley

Internet Hell

Post 43


I seem to spending quite alot of time these days flicking through computer magazines and drooling at gadgets. Just something else to do in the quest to avoid doing any college work smiley - smiley

Might even do the washing up later smiley - winkeye

Internet Hell

Post 44

Nick O`Teen

Oh, hell. Laundry. Thanks for reminding me. smiley - smiley In my state that's bound to be an adventure.

Internet Hell

Post 45


Laundry, do you think that's wise whilst unwell? I'd leave it till you're 100% if I were you smiley - smiley

Internet Hell

Post 46


Top Five (Letterman has researchers) CDs that Nick forgets to buy:

5) Live Weevil - Black Sabbath
4) Weevil Rock You - Queen
3) Insects, Drugs and Rock and Roll - Ian Dury
2) Thorax-idents Will Happen - Elvis Costello

and the number one CD forgotten by Nick:

1) Weevils Ripped My Flesh - Mothers Of Invention

Internet Hell

Post 47

Nick O`Teen

If laughter is the best medicine, I'm feeling better already. smiley - smiley The second one actually made me laugh out loud, followed by uncontrollable coughing. smiley - smiley

Ha ha. Those are really clever. Thanks, Gaz. smiley - smiley

Actually, damn, I've been wanting to buy News of the World for ages. I still don't have it. I love that album.

One of these days, I should put together a collection of this kind of weevil-related material. Hey Gaz, want to be in the Church of the True Weevil?

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