A Conversation for Universal Laws of Life
Remembering Things
47318 - I am a number not a free man Started conversation Oct 5, 1999
How about...you can never remember anything important until hours after the event, and usually while you are sitting on the loo/in the bath/in bed etc.
And why does it usually only apply to people's names?
It happened to me once that I forgot the name of our new MD - spend all afternoon calling him one name, only to remember later (on the loo, naturally) that he was called something completely different... on the positive side, he never mentioned anything about it!
Remembering Things
Tadd Posted Oct 5, 1999
I guess it's tough on people who fall into that mode just once in a while..
Those I associate with irregularly are quite used to it (I hope haha).
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Remembering Things
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