A Conversation for Kilts


Post 1


Kilts were 'invented' by a couple of Poles in Edinburgh 200 years ago as part of a Marketing Initiative.... not something the Scottish Tourist Board would really like to be discussed I'm sure..


Post 2

Researcher 40085

I believe it was the complex and exhaustive system of clan tartans that was invented 'recently'. The kilt itself has been around for a while longer...


Post 3

Haggis McHaggis

Kilts, my unimformed friend, were invented by Cedrik Jock Mchaggis of the Ancient and Royal Clan McHaggis, over 4,000 years ago in the village of Aberdeen. The Clan McHaggis still has a remnant of that original Kilt (or Kalgrovenalt as it was known in those days,) and it can be viewed in the McHaggis ancestral hut in The district of Tillydrone near Aberdeen village. All tourists are made welcome. Especially rich American ones.


Post 4


Not surprised the Clan Mchaggis still has a remnant of the original kilt...typical of Aberdonians never throwing anything away!smiley - smiley

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