A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society


Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

Saw a frog in our back garden yesterday evening. It's been dry for the last couple of weeks, and then it rained yesterday for the first time. The frog was probably delighted to be able to come out of his hiding place and get hunting.


Post 2


I usually see loads of teeny ones in my garden but there were none last year, probably because of the drought. It is raining here at the moment so maybe I will get some this year.

Websailorsmiley - dragon


Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

We had a very wet winter, particularly in my back garden. We weren't able to go out into it for about 4 months because the ground was too soft. When it rained we had up to a foot of water on it, and even the raised bit was flooded. So the frog probably had a great time.


Post 4


I haven't seen frogs in the garden for years. I'm not sure why; not much has changed in terms of its suitability as a habitat, at least.

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