A Conversation for Holes in History - FWR - The Chase.

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 1


Rulf shut his eyes, knowing he was lost.

Then, an almighty clang of iron upon iron. The giant Tadhg's axe stopping the killing stroke, holding Goubert's sword a mere hand's width from Rulf's head.

*Make way, little brother, I will deal with this pig!*

Rulf reluctantly ducked and ceded the fight, aware his sword arm was useless, he dragged the boy out of harm's way with the other, eyes fixed on the locked blades of axe and sword.

The combatants pushed against each other, separating, circling warily, each man seeking a new opening.

Although passed his peak, and hopelessly overweight, Goubert too, was a master swordsman, and feared no man, no matter how gigantic, in a duel.

Again and again Tadhg swung the double headed axe, again and again, Goubert simply parried or dodged the swirling weapon, skill overcoming brute force.

Tadgh went into a rage, the bloodlust spiking his viking genes, berserker ferocity pushing the swordsman back.

The sounds of the stream grew louder as the men fought, each circling the other, one minute facing the water, the next the forest.

Goubert feinted right, spinning around full circle, pivoting on the marshy ground with surprising speed, he slashed backhanded at the big man's belly, razor edge parting leather and flesh.

Tadgh stood, dumbfounded that this effete swine had wounded him!

He backed away, holding in his stomach, as blood flowed through his fingers.

He whirled his axe one handed, backing away, waiting for that one opening where he could finish the yaldson.

He swung the axe, missing his target, but allowing the weight to complete a full arc, axe coming up under Goubert's guard. Tadgh cursed as the razor sharp edge merely sliced through the tio of the Norman's leather belt, travelled upwards, edge nicking an earlobe. So close, but now Tadgh was at a real disadvantage.

As the axe whistled by harmlessly, Goubert pressed his advantage, the wounded Viking now off-balance, flank exposed. Goubert forced Tadgh into a series of defensive blocks, not giving him chance to strike, but forcing him backwards in an attempt to gain his balance.

Sword clanged against axe head, pushing the Northmen backwards further.

Backwards towards the stream.

Backwards towards the pit meant for the pig!

Too late, he realized his error, but his feet suddenly dropped from beneath him, thin branches and bracken giving away.

Tadgh fell, sharpened stakes taking his last breath, as death welcomed him, he was pleased it was with an axe in his hand.

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Awww. smiley - sadface I know he's off to Sto'Vo'Kor with the rest of the Klingons, but I hate to see him go like that.

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 3


Tsk Tsk, no sci-fi!

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 4

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Sorry.

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 5


He had a good run! smiley - cheers

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 6

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

He could have been dead much earlier.

There are still four days left to kill the Norman. (Or someone at least) The stakes are still high.

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 7


The odds seem to be against Rulf. smiley - sadface

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 8

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Will we know by the 30th? smiley - grovel

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 9


All I can reveal is that.................................................................................

it's set a thousand years ago, so everyone's dead by now!

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 10

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - snork

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 11

Caiman raptor elk - Inside big box, thinking.

Good point. Our stories have that in common.

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 12

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

The characters in some of the stories are in war situations, while others may be at war within their lifespans. Yeah, I'm splitting hairs here. The characters in Brookville may still be of age to fight in the Civil War when it comes. Michel and Danielle are fighting a clandestine war.

But Tavaron seems to have picked a relatively peaceful era for his story about Vienna. I applaud him. I'm also sad that so many nearby countries were enduring wars of one kind or another.

But maybe I'm just saying that war is an almost universal curse. Maybe that's all anyone can say. And taking life one day at a time is a way to keep one's balance, as these stories illustrate. smiley - smiley

The Chase. Part 26.

Post 13

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Agree on those. The little boy Billy McNab in the story grew up to become a doctor - he tried to participate in the Civil War, but his older brother, who was the commanding officer, sent him home because he was a young married man. His brother was killed shortly after that.

Just to set the record straight, Tavaron's pronouns are she/her. smiley - smiley

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