A Conversation for Holes in History - FWR - The Chase.

The Chase. Part 17.

Post 1


Salt air battered Rulf as he picked his way up the narrow track between the red sandstone cliffs, the wolfhound bounding ahead, then stopping to check on his slow progress.

Hard to believe anyone would build a tavern in such a desolate place, but he supposed, if Tadhg was telling the truth, the clientele would appreciate an inn well off the beaten track.

Over the salt air, Rulf caught the faint scent of woodsmoke and ale.

There, nestled in the cliffside, was a rude wooden building.

Two men stood where the track widened, both let their hands fall to their hilts, as Rulf came into view, both looked unconcerned as the wolfhound flanked, growling their intent to protect their master.

*Be calm boys!* Rulf told the hounds, *There's no threat here?* The question was aimed at the guards.

*No threat… if there be none warranted, otherwise those beasts will do you no good lad!*

The guard casually flicked his blade towards the growling hounds, Rulf had no doubt this ruffian would not hesitate or flinch if it came to a fight, with him, or the beasts!

*Then I shall go and quench my thirst, thanks to you both for the welcome. Come boys!*

The hounds dropped their hackles and trotted happily into the tavern with their master.

The Chase. Part 17.

Post 2

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - applause

I ran into an Irish wolfhound out in the Irish countryside once - friendly thing, but I swear it was bigger than me...

The Chase. Part 17.

Post 3


They are indeed huge bloody things mate!

The Chase. Part 17.

Post 4


The ruffians obviously have something to hide, which we'll doubtless find out next episode! smiley - applause

The Chase. Part 17.

Post 5

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

I am encouraged by Rulf's continuing ability to cope in the world he inhabits. smiley - smiley or has he also enjoyed considerable luck?

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