A Conversation for A Stone of Remembrance

My Brutus photos!

Post 1


My photos! My story! I thought you were going to write an informative piece about the legend of the Brutus Stone, and here's my lesser spotted purple version. smiley - rofl. Looks great, though, thanks Ed for giving a home to my almost-research. To be represented in The Post smiley - thepost is always an honour indeed. smiley - kiss

Doing this project for you made me really happy, it opened mine eyes to my surroundings. It was free of pressure and expectation, it was my level, and I want to do more.

Gargoyles. smiley - huh

I could move onto gargoyles. smiley - rofl.

Yesterday I was staring up at the gargoyles on the local church (near the Brutus stone), and wishing I had my long lens camera so I could zoom in on them. And also on Exeter cathedral. Gargoyles. I don't know the history of them, perhaps I could photograph an information board, like I did here. smiley - rofl. I liked doing that.

Would you like to see a gargoyle photo? I could say to the people in my life. And here's another photo, of a gargoyle! I have a family of gargolye photossmiley - rofl. Ask me a question, I shall answer you in gargoyle language. smiley - rofl.

Well, I don't have any photos, yet, I'm dreaming, but thanks for the inspiration my friend! smiley - kiss

My Brutus photos!

Post 2


Gargolye? I typed gargolye back there. smiley - rofl.

Perhaps that's the offical language of gargoyles.

He said goodbye in gargolye, and some other language I couldn't understand, and all because I said I'd seen his lookalike on the side of the church.


OK I'm going now.

My Brutus photos!

Post 3

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Elektra says, 'Yes! We want gargoyles!' However you spell the things.

I could not possibly have written anything 'factual' that was more interesting than your story about the people of Totnes.

We deeply appreciate your sharing those moments with us. It makes the history come alive. smiley - biggrin

Yes! h2g2 wants more!

(And this goes for the rest of you folks out there. Send us pics of the weird thing next door. smiley - winkeye

My Brutus photos!

Post 4


These are lovely photos cc! smiley - smiley

My Brutus photos!

Post 5


Thanks mvp. And thanks Mister D and Elektra. smiley - kiss I was so happy that day, and when I'm happy I take happy photos in funny colours. haha.

I love that, history coming alive!!! and I met such great people who live in my town. smiley - artist

Be good to read your piece also though, Mister D, about the legend of the Brutus Stone. What is the Brutus Stone? smiley - rofl

What about the 19ft giant?? I want the giant! Let's hear it for the tall dude! smiley - rofl.

smiley - coffee

I get a bit awed if I try to be a proper hootoo researcher. Hootoo has such a high standard of research, it's incredible, but I'm happy when I can lurk in the starlit canteen of my inner space station smiley - rofl, smiley - rofl. smiley - starsmiley - star, and collaborate where possible.

Yay! Good times.

I'll be onto the gargoyles somewhere down the line, when the weather is more clement for photography.

At the moment it would be a study of gargoyles weeping raindrops, which would be very arty.

In fact that's a great idea smiley - eurekasmiley - rofl, but not so good for my lens, and it will be me weeping raindrops.

I'll try to find out what gargoyles are all about, but be good if someone could back me up with the hootoo style quality research-text, because that way I won't chew my paws and bark at imaginary moths. smiley - dog

I'll let you know if I ever get it together. Dry your eyes little gargoyles, one day it will be spring.

smiley - artistsmiley - huh

My Brutus photos!

Post 6


The way it is raining here poor little gargoyles, look like they have a dose of food poisoning smiley - yikes

ok, trust me to lower the tone smiley - groan

Gargoyles I believe are functional, in terms of drainage, artistic, sometimes elaborate and ward off evil spirits, what is not to love smiley - love

My Brutus photos!

Post 7


Really? Those are really interesting gargoyle facts! I just asked over in my journal if you, or anyone, wants to do a piece together. With facts like that we're on our way! I'd say!

My Brutus photos!

Post 8

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

Thanks for doing this CC. Bring on the gargoyles! Please. smiley - grovel

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