A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

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Post 21


This post has been removed.

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 22

aka Bel - A87832164

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 23

Secretly Not Here Any More

That's nice dear.

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 24

Lanzababy - Guide Editor

Good morning! Words fail me. Really fluffy kerfuffle, you do seem to like a fight don't you? I really wish you would not do that, it is plain from you starting this thread that your intention was to do just that.

1 you were not there
2 MMF can speak for himself, and has done so
3 you bring up old issues ( that are only issues to you)

Please can everyone now just ignore fkf, and let the moderators deal with this please?


a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 25


smiley - space
thank you

and once again my postings are being hidden
and all i have actually said
that might be a problem
is that i have a problem with some of you

and oh by the way
has it ever
occurred to you that this... way you have with dealing with people
might be why

uh duh...

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 26


What the smiley - bleep?

There were people with access and several other disabilities at the meet. I was there, I talked to them. Not everyone likes to advertise their disability on h2g2!

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 27


I'm sorry Lanza, that was a simpost.

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 28


smiley - space
okay lets see...
(ticks off on fingers)
oh yes

so whats left of my postings is


just trying to make it easier on you for yikesing
oh and this one of course

this has happened in other threads i have started
one called anarchy
one guy actually jumped right in in the beginning and totally flooded and spammed
alot of his postings remain
but most of mine were systematically removed
my postings being about the unfairness of allowing him to spam and flood
and about this tendency of some moderators

some moderators here are cool
and some are cruel

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 29

Secretly Not Here Any More

That's nice dear.

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 30

Malabarista - now with added pony

Y'know, if you're *that* jealous that *all* of us had a wonderful time, you should just buy a plane ticket next time, rather than trying to retroactively rain on our parade. smiley - ok It really was raining in Manchester, by the way; we didn't let that spoil our fun, either.

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 31


We should have a parade next time...

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 32


Or we could go to the gay pride parade in Manchester and have a float.

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 33

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - biggrin Good plan. Just to show the world: We're here, we're hootoo, get used to it. smiley - winkeye

a question about the manchester 2012 meet

Post 34


This thread is being closed as it is being used as a vehicle for offensive behaviour and trolling.

Key: Complain about this post