A Conversation for Lucid Dreaming
Darreny-Warreny (32619) Started conversation Sep 20, 1999
You bastard! You butchered my article and made a mockery of its instruction-manualiness. I'm not talking anymore.
Mark Moxon Posted Sep 22, 1999
Erm... was that piece of rudeness really called for? Hey, we're humans here - particularly nice ones too - but if you're just going to be offensive then that's not on. Even if you have just been to see the South Park movie.
If you don't like our butchering, let's talk about it. I've asked Peta to comment, and making changes is not beyond the realms of possibility. We listen, OK, but only to reason.
But if you call a member of my staff something like that again, I'll get angry. And as Bruce Banner once said: 'You won't like me when I'm angry.'
Drool Frood the Second Posted Sep 22, 1999
Well done Mark.
Having now read both versions of the article I can't understand why the author is getting so upset.I'ts hardly any different at all and
equally as informative.
So chill out Mr whatever your name is and realise that these people at h2g2 do a great job and have thousand of entries to sift thru.
You are lucky it was published at all.
Peta Posted Sep 22, 1999
Okay Warren. I have to say I was really shocked when I read your comments.
None of the sub-Editors deserve to be called names. We are giving up our
free time to work on the Official Guide. I am happy to talk to you, or
anyone else about re-edits. The reason I made the instructions for
achieving lucidity clearer were based on the fact that I asked Mark if we
could run Lucid Dreaming as a front page feature, when I start as Community
Editor in October. I thought that it was a good piece and a very interesting
subject. However, in order to feature it in this way I felt that we needed
to make the 'instructions' for achieving lucidity clearer. 'The best way to
do this is to work some regular habit into your daily routine....' is not
clear enough, I walk the dog every day, will that help me become lucid?
Okay that's not what you meant, so I had to rewrite. In doing so, I ruined
the 'instruction-manualiness' style of writing. Okay, I can only write in
my own style. If you want to rewrite the article in your own style, making
it clearer and resubmit it please feel free to do so. My email address is
on my page - let's discuss it.. But please, can we all do this nicely? I
enjoy sub-editing, I do it for fun. I will happily talk about anything I
edit and I am sure that the others will too. But please keep it nice?
Otherwise it's just not fun anymore...
Bruce Posted Sep 23, 1999
LOL - ooooh the pain of having a article accepted in subedited form - I can see why you're so upset. It must be so much worse than having your article rejected as being unsuitable. (where's the dripping with sarcasm emoticon when you need it)
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