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Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 1



When did it become part of the Scouts' duties to *order* authors of Entries to remove them from Peer Review because they, the Scout in question, didn't like or indeed understand the Entry?

Please read the entry in question, and check out the whole of that thread. I've agreed to disagree with this guy in post 40, but back he comes. He doesn't like it. Fine. Why would he? He has no idea what it's about.

But I don't appreciate being INSTRUCTED to remove from Peer Review and entry which, aside from one or two people who have clearly missed the point, is receiving almost universally positive feedback and is certainly making people think along the intended lines. Scouts, in my now quite long experience of them (26 solo Edited Entries and counting...), do not behave like this.


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 2


For your convenience...

The Entry is at: A852699

And here's the entire PR thread: F48874?thread=217549&skip=0&show=200


And if you think this is an isolate incident, you might like to check out this thread...


Which is hardly the sort of thing I would have expected to find on the personal space of an ACE and Scout AND Guru.



Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 3

World Service Memoryshare team

Dear Hoovooloo,

I'm really sorry I haven't replied to you sooner (I was out of the office on Monday and this afternoon. It's no excuse, but I didn't get a chance to catch up with everything on my Personal Space). I'm sorry that you feel you have to complain about one of the Scouts. I can have a discreet word, but it looks as if you've been, um, should I use the words 'equally straight-talking'?


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 4


"I'm really sorry I haven't replied to you sooner"

Hey, no problem. You know, I'm vaguely aware of the possibility that your life doesn't revolve around me... silly I know, but on that basis I'm happy to wait for answers without complaint for as long as it takes. smiley - winkeye

"it looks as if you've been, um, should I use the words 'equally straight-talking'"

Yes, I have. The difference being, I'm not waving a badge around.

If I was having a row with spook in "Ask h2g2", you'd never have heard about it, at least not from me. I don't dish out what I can't take myself. I don't have any particular investment in either the ACE or the Guru schemes, so if ACEs or Gurus (and spook is both) go throwing their weight around, I don't care, particularly.

However, what we're talking about here is a SCOUT, and that Scout's behaviour, SPECIFICALLY in a Peer Review thread. Like I say, I don't mind trenchant criticism of an entry I've written - if I did I wouldn't put controversial stuff up for review. I don't even mind ignorant, illiterate ("what is monogamy?") criticism, because that's easy enough to ignore or shoot down.

What I'm *specifically* complaining about here is that spook seems to think he, as a Scout, is in a position to INSTRUCT me to remove an entry from Peer Review, apparently on the basis that HE isn't going to pick it.

Now if that *is* how the Scout scheme works, then please tell me right away so that I can withdraw the three entries I've got in PR and not submit any more.

If that ISN'T how Scouts are supposed to behave, then I think you need to have word, discreet or whatever, with spook, before he gives Scouts a bad name...


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 5


You might also note Gosho's words in the same thread, although to his credit he's now "backing away".


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 6

World Service Memoryshare team

Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'm out of the office again tomorrow, so have a good weekend smiley - ok


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 7



"if that *is* how the Scout scheme works, then please tell me right away so that I can withdraw the three entries I've got in PR and not submit any more."

It's down to two now, but the question still stands.


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 8


Hope you had a nice weekend.

Still interested to know the answer to the question...


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 9

World Service Memoryshare team

It was lovely thank you smiley - smiley How was yours?

Now, in answer to your question, under 'Cleaning Peer Review' in <./>Scouts-What</.> you'll see that Scouts are at liberty to ask Researchers to move entries from Peer Review. Keeping the number of entries to a manageable number helps them to do their job.


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 10


Thank you.

As promised, I'll be doing my bit to make sure the number of entries in Peer Review is kept to a manageable number from now on.


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 11

Martin Harper

Sorry to invade...

<./>Scout-What</.> > "If you think an entry is more suited to a different Review Forum, you should try to persuade the author to remove it from Peer Review and re-submit it to another Review Forum."

So, persuasion is good (where appropriate), but *ordering* might be seen as going too far. Seems to me that spook was just short of a 'please', really.


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 12

a girl called Ben

"As promised, I'll be doing my bit to make sure the number of entries in Peer Review is kept to a manageable number from now on."

We will miss your contributions to the Edited Guide.

I endorse your reasons for deciding not to contribute, though.


Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 13

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

For the record, I though Spook's behaviour *was* out of order, at the very least he was rude, at the worst he was down right arrogant and abusive. If the boss says that sort of behaviour is okay tho', then I guess I've been being too polite. Now that's a first.

smiley - ale

Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 14


spook : what have you done.... smiley - erm

Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 15


well, i'm not going back to the particular post in question, but if i forgot to say please i'm sorry, but i felt hvl was very rude to me, and i tried my very best not to be rude or unfriendly when i was receiving very harsh and unfriendly replies to my posts which were sort of saying 'ur an idiot, what u say don't count' if u know what i mean.

like i say, i'm sorry if i didn't say please, but i feel i was on the whole very polite and was absolutely not arrogant or abusive. i made sure of that. and the last few days i didn't post to the peer review threas in question as i think i got my brain in a muddle and decided to let other scouts look atthe entries an se if they thought it was ok.

spooksmiley - coolsmiley - tea

Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 16

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

*treads very carefully over the egg-shells*

There are hurt feelings all over the place here and the beginnings, perhaps of mended fences (Spook has made a qualified, but rather hurt apology).

Before any irreversable decisions are made, how about taking some time out to smiley - steamcool off.

I'd be sorry to see you leave, Hoo.smiley - blue

Have some smiley - tea and sleep on it.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.

Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 17

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

Well said, ZFS. smiley - tea all 'round, methinks.

smiley - ale

Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 18


well, i might as well give u all an open invitation to come to Spook's Place (U183955) for smiley - tea and smiley - cake and a good old chat.

hope to see some of u there smiley - grovelsmiley - biggrin!

spooksmiley - coolsmiley - teasmiley - cake

Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 19


All friends together, eh! smiley - biggrin

Spook, i'm sorry to say that whilst i agree that Hoovooloo was quite tough on you, I feel you are partly to blame. smiley - sadface

You have a general tendency to post in a rather high-handed way, imo. I think you should understand that this will not go down well with some researchers. smiley - sadface

I'm not only refering to this thread, btw, it is something i had noticed in the past (please don't start saying 'where exactly?' coz i don't want to get into that kind of 'who did what when' conversation - but i had already been tempted in other threads to suggest that you had a tendency towards high-horseriding. smiley - sadface

Don't take this as a damning insult - it's not the end of the world and everyone is different. But I for one feel that if you felt insulted, it was partly because of your own postings. smiley - sadface

And i also suspect that you were feeling aggrieved when you posted the 'demand' that the entry be removed from PR that has (by somewhat twisted paths, perhaps) resulted in a long-standing researcher deciding never again to enter pieces for the guide. smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

erm... where am i going with this? I don't know.

Spook, hone those diplomatic skills

Hoo - well, i already did the smiley - musicalnotePlease don't go!smiley - musicalnote bit, so... all the best for your PR-free future.

Complaint about Scout behaviour

Post 20


i'm afraid i must ask where when thing for other times because i know none, and i was not angry or anything and did not demand him to just remove it - i said remove or improve. i have already apologised for not saying please remove or improve. my fault in bad manners i accept. i don't get where u get everything else from, but i do not think i act in a high-handed way.

i also take no responsibility for hvl deciding not to write pieces for the EG again. that was his decision, and i hold no grudges and am not in any way against him submitting entries to pr, as most of them are pretty good. i simply did notthink the one in question was.

spooksmiley - coolsmiley - teasmiley - cake - is not going to get angry or anything over this issue

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