A Conversation for SEx - Science Explained

SEx: Money

Post 1

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

What is it in the human brain that makes us want money?

Is it a chemical or something else?

smiley - cheers

SEx: Money

Post 2


Haven't you answered your own question there? smiley - winkeye

money = smiley - cheers

SEx: Money

Post 3


If you take money as a proxy for power or resources, then it would appear reasonably straightforward that those two things will make it easier for us to find healthy mates, shag 'em, and rear the kids more easily.

smiley - zen

SEx: Money

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

There are two reasons for wanting money -

1. You need it to buy stuff you need - bread, fuel, beer

2. You need it to buy stuff you want - shiny stuff, gizmos, every one in the 247-part set of limited edition special collectibles, a car that can slam you into a wall in 4.3 seconds instead of only 6.7 seconds, and so on.

SEx: Money

Post 5

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book


smiley - cheers

SEx: Money

Post 6


I'm not sure but the 'acquiring' of stuff can release a hormone into the blood stream and so we want more of it and therefore more more money.

I'm not sure which hormone though.......I'm a physicist, not a biologist.

Is it seratonin? Come on Biology people....


PS I think the acquiring stuff is different for gals and guys...for guys it's power for girls its....nesting??.......not sure on that either....organising....ok " I love shopping" so sue me smiley - smiley

SEx: Money

Post 7

Taff Agent of kaos

we want money as well as time because they are the only 2 tracks on dark side of the moon that stand alone as singles while the rest of the album the tracks just run into each other

smiley - bat
agent of kaos

SEx: Money

Post 8


Think dopamine is the "reward" neurotransmitter, the one that causes all the addictions.

Serotonin just makes you feel fluffy.

SEx: Money

Post 9

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

smiley - cheers

so if you injected enough dopamine what would you feel? Happy? sad?

SEx: Money

Post 10

Gnomon - time to move on

If you had a constant supply, you'd feel content, but you'd get used to it like anything else. Then you'd feel so sad when the dopamine went that you would probably commit suicide.

SEx: Money

Post 11

Thatprat - With a new head/wall interface mechanism

Icecold : Post 6

"PS I think the acquiring stuff is different for gals and guys...for guys it's power for girls its....nesting??.......not sure on that either....organising....ok " I love shopping" so sue me

Personally, no. It's Ooh, Ooh, new toy! new toy! Then I'll get bored, or see something else shiny and new and its 'new toy, new toy, want, want' all over again. smiley - rolleyes

SEx: Money

Post 12


Hi That

Yes I am like that also sometimes smiley - smiley

SEx: Money

Post 13


it's good to know all those billions spent on advertising and marketing are working then smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley

SEx: Money

Post 14

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Money is, of course, a fiction, but it's a valuable fiction because it's one we all accept.

TRiG.smiley - smiley

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