A Conversation for SEx - Science Explained

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 1

Researcher U197087

Why are gold connections better for audio & SCART?

Supplementary question: Where are the Sex Gyroscopes?

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 2

The Groob

I think that gold is a better conductor than copper. AFAIK. IIRC.

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 3


Roughly speaking, the metal with the highest conductivity is silver, followed by copper and then gold. I suspect the reason they use gold is either: A. it makes better contact because it's soft, or B. it's a gimmick to make you pay more for something you perceive to be better.

As I've never come across gold contacts outside the consumer market, I suspect it's the latter.

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit digging gold from redundant memory chips
"The advantage of Gold over cupper is it does not corrode. Many contact problems in domestic audio systems seem to be based on corrosion. One leaves a connector in place for years and 'suddenly' it fails to connect. The reason for using gold in chips is the wires can be thinner then any other metal so you can use many more in the same space.

smiley - clown (headphones)"

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 5

Arnie Appleaide - Inspector General of the Defenders of Freedom

Yeah I'm with Traveller in Time - corrosion resistance makes gold better.

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 6


Yes, from past days, it was corrosion resistance - conductivity coming second.

Incidentally, didn't a major computer player (who?) have a rather big problem with 'creeping copper'? So pure, therefore so soft, that it slowly spread about on the printed circuit boards - to the extent that tracks acually touched each other?
That would have been in the early 70's.

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 7

Gnomon - time to move on

TiT is right.

SEx: The Midas touch

Post 8

Researcher U197087

smiley - cheers Guys

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