This is the Message Centre for Matrix Mage


Post 41

Matrix Mage

Was that a Tosser joke? smiley - smiley

super heros

Post 42

squeaky doors

How about the Frivolous Four, and we only fight for silly or unimportant causes. I mean there are lots of supper heros who fight injustice, but who is there to settle parking lot disputes, or see that nerds can be allowed to enter trendy night clubs? Who do you have to come to your rescue when you're stuck in traffic and you won't get home in time to watch "Judge Judy?"

super heros

Post 43

Matrix Mage

I want to be the Mage... A wizard from another dimension... But his spells just don't work right in this world... Like superman who was well superman in this world I'm sort of powerless in this one... More of a burden in the group... Oh I'm a coward to... My father used to say "He who runs away, lives to run away another day"
Anyways how about starting another thread... This one getting a bit long... smiley - smiley

super heros

Post 44

squeaky doors

I'm all for a new thread, I don't know how to start a new one, but if you hum a few bars...
I like your hero, I'm not sure what I would do, I always liked Wonder Woman's laso that made people tell the truth, maybe I could have one that made people lie to me. ( I think I have that going in the real world)And I could be very beautiful, but with such low self esteem that I only date losers...WAIT this is getting a little too real!

My Place or Yours?

Post 45

squeaky doors

If you like you could start a tread at my page. Anyway, I would like your input on some of the Recipies I am working on for my Third world Cook Book. I really think I'm on to something!

Mine obviously!

Post 46


Well, I am Thunderguts!

I'm sorry I haven't butted in before, I really should have 'cause you really had a laugh on old Tosser and that's my job damn it!

There is a plethora of individual letters up there, high above my tinsy winsy thing and a lot of them containing elements I am inept at understanding (skiing for one thing, the only skiing I manage to do is on my wobbly posterior). SO, I have decided to think up something absolutely new. But first I would like to suggest that the crack squad that has just come to my knowledge that I am a part of should be named 'The Flippant Four!' and that we should do our best to do nothing at all except jeer and laugh at other people for being the silly sods they are. Or how about Something catchy like The Buggers!

With that out of the way, now for something completely different. Rudely shaped Vegetables! The question is, are they doing it on purpose? Are vegetables preparing to be the dominant species of the earth? Where lies the future of our potent race and why on earth is it lying?

Oh dear, I don't seem to have anything clever or witty to say. I'm just conjuring up gobbledygook to pass the time really.


Lord Humphrey 'Thunderguts' Dagenhurt

P.S. Third World Cookbook? Is it something with 300 ways of cooking dry sand with dry sand?

Party at Thunderguts!

Post 47

squeaky doors

Well since we have made a total mess of this page, and Thundergut's page is so neat and tidy I think we should all go over and trash his place!

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