A Conversation for The Bull Outhouse

Message for Squirrel re useful links

Post 1

Katy Tulip

Squigs, for some reason I'm not allowed to post on your own page , so I'll put this here for the time being. You can meet up with other MLers in The Bull Outhouse: A3876131. Grey Gables is here: A3886923, and Eddie�s Cider Club is here: A3886914. You can find the list of ML Friends in this Space: U1485019; click on a name there to get to their space. You can find me, with links to these places, here: U238199. Last but not least, the Brain Candy thread is here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/F2068510?thread=623823 I�m a little puzzled though, why you seem to think that in order to participate in the new Mustardland, you feel you are forced to get to grips with this place � I can�t recollect anyone ever saying that at all, and if any of my postings over in ML have given you that impression, I apologise wholeheartedly Love, and if you like, email off-board if you�re still lost on here. Katy @->--

Message for Squirrel re useful links

Post 2

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I love the redundancy of giving The Bull Outhouse link on The Bull Outhouse... smiley - laugh

Message for Squirrel re useful links

Post 3



I think the problem might be that $quigs is signed up through ican instead of h2g2. Would it be the same as dagesh and the POV board? I suggested to her that she cancel her membership and re-register here but to talk to you or dagesh first about doing it. I'm assuming like here she can retrieve her details and hit on the "cancel" link. Mind you, I think I saw Peet giving her some sort of link to move her over but he wasn't sure it would work.

Fair dos, Katy, you're working really hard on this.

Love and hugs smiley - smiley

Eilis smiley - peacedove

Message for Squirrel re useful links

Post 4

Katy Tulip

Oh I see the problem now, Eilis!

But has anyone had any problems with posting in the Tulip space (I came over via the POV boards for that one)? I haven't tried the journal, so don't know if that's a problem.

Thanks for the kind words, and I adore your dove! Strictly speaking, mine's a rose, but if you squint...

smiley - smiley Katy smiley - rose

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