A Conversation for The Bull Outhouse

mute mustard

Post 1

petal jam

Peet, I keep finding headings and clickable links, but absolutely no conversation at all.

Am not a technophobe, have always programmed my own video-recorder etc., but don't understand why the heart of this space is so hard to find.

Have no idea where this is going, if anywhere.

petal jam

mute mustard

Post 2

woofti aka groovy gravy

I don't think this space has a heart, petaljam. More like a collection of spaces all loosely interconnected by links.

It will take a bit of getting used to. But I can report that MLers have been getting used to it without problems. I think you just have to dive in and feel you way around in what is unfamiliar territory.


dd x

mute mustard

Post 3

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Yup, what dagesh said. smiley - smiley

You've found "The Bull Outhouse" anyway, and that's a start. Pretty much all the postings here are from Mustardland refugees (and the odd stray Dragonfly who was invited over in a case of mistaken identity... smiley - biggrin) so you should see a few names you recognise on the conversations.

I'm "Peet McKimmie" on Mustardland, btw, it's jsut that I've been over here for almost six years, and my name has picked up some detritus. smiley - laugh

mute mustard

Post 4


Hello Peet

Found my way here, and registered without any probs, but when I logged in to h2g2, it seemed to recognise my *old* Mustardland persona (annie_ms).

I'd sort of decided to have a new moniker here, but perhaps that will confuse people too much? At the moment, I seem to have double identity!

Annie MS

mute mustard

Post 5

petal jam

thanks dagesh. my overwhelming impression is of empty space where the heart should be!

it's too clever: all form and no content, and not even stylish form at that, and i am finding it abominably slow to negociate.

the reason why i love ml. is that i am incredibly nosy and want to know what everyone thinks all at once. Its a busy street, leading everywhere and anywhere.

Just not interested in blogging, which seems to be how this is set up.

petal jam, fading somewhat.

mute mustard

Post 6

woofti aka groovy gravy

sorry to hear you're not enjoying h2g2, petal. But remember: this is h2g2, not New Mustardland and they are, even as we speak, arranging a new messageboard tailored especially for us, even down to the colour. That will be a bit different from this rabbit warren, and will be coming onstream in the summer, according to Keri. Not the same as ML, but not too different either. And we will have Keri there to make it feel a bit more like home!

They say the change is absolutely necessary because mustardland as now is is dying on its feet.

dd x

mute mustard

Post 7

petal jam

yes I read all that shiny happy stuff about obsolescence and new horizons, but I was probably hoping that it would be a case of "new formula" tooth-brite: re-branded but in reality familiar (cut&ampsmiley - winkeye paste.

think we should volunteer somebody to start a spat - Duncan is generally pretty obliging that way, and it might rally the troops.


mute mustard

Post 8


Petal jam

I'm enjoying it in here. And no, I don't like Duncan's spats and would love to keep this place spat free!!

Some hope, I suppose.

Eilis x

mute mustard

Post 9

petal jam

might enjoy it a bit more if I could see what everyone else is talking about without having to pass GO every time!

Duncan when challenged sternly usually backs down graciously and cleans up as he leaves the room. unlike everyone in our house.


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