A Conversation for Wikipedia

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 1


Entry: Wikipedia - A3712899
Author: zx9rsteve - U1346706

This entry is out of date. How do I update it?

A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 2

aka Bel - A87832164

Hello gazza. smiley - smiley

You've picked up an unedited version.

We have an edited entryhere:


I think you could have found out if you had read this conversation:


You'll find an explanation about how to proceed if you think our edited version is out of date in that thread. smiley - ok

I'd suggest you remove this from this forum by clicking on the x nect to the entry.


A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 3


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A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 4



smiley - panda

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