A Conversation for Wikipedia

Make it funny, dammt!

Post 1


I'm new here, and might be totally out of line. But it seems to me that people should be trying to make their entries a bit more humorous. This entry is useful and it explains the subject matter - but that's not what the Hitchhiker's Guide is all about. Throw in something extra like -

"While Wikipedia is highly informative and educational, its content is virtually useless to the typical hitchhiker - as a thorough knowledge of the demographics, geography and population of Vallejo, California has very little to do with where one can get a drink."

Make it funny, dammt!

Post 2


I think you've missed the point of this site. It's not really for hitchhikers, cause most hitchhiker's find it difficult to travel with their laptop, and even if they do, most then find an internet connection difficult to find. If you don't stop expecting Douglas Adams to be typing to you, you will be constantly disapointed with this site.

Make it funny, dammt!

Post 3


Constant disappointment and I have been together for quite some time, so that'd be nothing new. I have to say that I do think you're wrong that a person couldn't access on-line information while traveling. I have yet to find myself in a town or a city where I could not, with a minimal amount of effort, find some Internet access. It might be the local library, the Glasgow Modern Art Museum, the computer store on Market Street in San Francisco - but you can always find someplace to log in and check your e-mail and get some information about the town into which you've wandered. And, of course, we're already entering the era where a handheld device will be all you need to get into the Internet. So I rather like the idea of a guy being on a hilltop in Ireland, logging on to his little handheld device and seeing if the H2G2 researchers have anything humorous and useful about the town up the road.

But, I guess that's not what this is about. Ah well. Live and let live, I guess. I'll write entries that I think would make Mr. Prefect proud, and I won't criticize others who write general Encyclopedia Galactica type entries.

Make it funny, dammt!

Post 4


If constant disapointment has been your traveling partner so long, perhaps it's time to get a new travel agent. One that doesn't tell you Michegan's just like Prague.

Make it funny, dammt!

Post 5


I live in Michigan, I don't know anything about Michegan smiley - silly
Usually when i put an article into Peer review humor is one of the first casualtiessmiley - doh.

Make it funny, dammt!

Post 6


In my latest article in Peer Review(A3636245) I said
"Nasa gave control of the Space Shuttles to the Johnson Space Center in Texas rather than leave it at Cape Canaveral because they recognized the Floridian tendency to get things wrong"smiley - laugh

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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