A Conversation for Wikipedia

Peer Review: A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 1


Entry: Wikipedia - A3712899
Author: zx9rsteve - U1346706


I just picked up the exisitng Wikipedia entry, and made some minor edits, with some additional information and links. I don't know how to credit the original author of the entry, so hope I will not have offended.



A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 2

Dr Hell

Ummm... I think the best way to get this going is to go to the Update Headquarters, not PR... But then again I might be wrong...

Just saw that Vandalism is an increasing problem at Wikipedia - I am really glad we have Editors!


A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 3

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Actually, yes, the best place for this would be the UpdateForum as it means once it's done we can just port it straight across and maintain all the links to it from other entries. If you pop this out of Peer Review (go to the Peer Review page, find your entry and click the remove link at the end of the row) you'll be able to resubmit it to the proper forum.

smiley - smiley

A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 4

Gnomon - time to move on

Hi zx9rsteve!

Thanks for taking the time to make updates to our site. You seem to have been looking at a Guide Entry on Wikipedia which was very poorly written and badly formatted. You'll find our 'official' Edited Entry on Wikipedia at A918434 is much better. If you have anything to add to that, pop on over to the UpdateForum and submit your new version of it there.

smiley - smiley

A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 5


This still seems to be in PR smiley - sadface

People vandalise Wikipedia a lot (I am never one of them)...but sad people sit in front of their computers to revert the changes every two minutes. smiley - erm

A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 6

Kat - From H2G2

Could this be removed from PR please if it's gone to Update?

A3712899 - Wikipedia

Post 7

Dr Hell

I second a move to underneath the ENtry

smiley - cheers HELL

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