This is the Message Centre for Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 141


Some of us will manfully struggle and try to compensate for the non-smokers. It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it smiley - biggrin

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 142

fords - number 1 all over heaven

Oh you are so brave and handsome! *swoon*

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 143

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I'm doing my bit too, holding up the side for the few remaining smokers smiley - ermsmiley - biggrin

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 144

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Which side are you holding?

He did very well last night.

A whole 4 hours, in a pub, and no cigarette...

smiley - angel

smiley - musicalnote

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 145

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

And off to Scotland tomorrow, where the arteries are clogged with batter rather than tar!

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 146


You just behave up there, d'ya hear?

You're doing so well - keep going smiley - ok

Have a fab time smiley - biggrin

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 147

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

So you are going to get tarred and battered?

Don't forget...

Cigarettes aren't bad for you, it is the inhaling from the lit ones that is bad...

One smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints at a time kicks the habit!

smiley - cuddle

smiley - musicalnote

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 148

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

CUP and 8" are currently smoking fags in the lounge* and offered me one. I am surprised to say that I had absolutely no desire to accept the offer!

*Translation for Northerners: front room

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 149


Go elsewhere. Go on, upstairs or outside. Off you go. Good lad smiley - ok

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 150

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - somersault

My auto-suggestion is working!!!

Keep up the good work, and I want to hear those dulcete tones, on Monday, announce 'I survived the whole weekend without a cigarette...'

Go for it! You know it makes sense.

smiley - musicalnote

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 151

fords - number 1 all over heaven

We'll fill him so full of booze and chip fat he'll be in no state to smoke smiley - evilgrin

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 152

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyessmiley - envysmiley - wah now your just trying to make me jelous smiley - wah

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 153

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'd tell you to get your arse onto the train too but I'm not sure my sister could handle you trying to pee on her blinds in the morning smiley - tongueout

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 154

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I wonder if that'll end up on 2legs' headstone?

'Here lies 2legs, Curtain Moistener.'

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 155

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I will be on the train tomorrow... But heading in a differnt, and slightly shorter distance... too... smiley - handcuffssmiley - whistlesmiley - snorksmiley - wahsmiley - erm I'm ment to be packing and just got involved in something odd with the keyboard smiley - musicalnote

At approx. 09.30 this morning...

Post 156


Train spotting in Scotland or perhaps deer stalking? In any event, have a good one and find a rare single malt and lift one for me.

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