This is the Message Centre for Phred Firecloud

Firecloud Calendar

Post 1

Phred Firecloud

Tampa, Florida - April 11, 2007

I’ve been playing around with a 2007-08 Calendar. It will probably start in July 07 and run though June 08. I’m still making a final decision on the exact pictures.

Here are the calendar pictures for now.

Anyone who wants a copy of the Firecloud Calendar, please send a mailing address to [email protected]

Mom has accused me again of watering down her whiskey. This is especially hurtful because I bought her the last two 2 liter bottles. Being Irish is not all it’s cracked up to be sometimes.

My laptop is in the hospital again, so I’m using Mom's computer foe now.

Mrs. Phred and I went shopping for clothes today for our trip to Sicily, Greece, Croatia, Turkey, Hungary, Austria and Yugoslavia. We booked a ten day Mediterranean cruise in the middle of the month-long trip that starts April 29.

The ship has internet so I should be able to blog onboard.

I saw “Grindhouse” by Rodriguez and Tarantino today. Definitely the best combinatiin Zombie/Road Chase movie ever made.

Firecloud Calendar

Post 2

Also Ran1-hope springs eternal

Hi Phred,

Lovely calendar. I'll send you a gmail.

Lovely holiday plans. I hope you enjoy the cruise. That should be wonderful.

Hope your laptop gets mended quickly.

Regards to you both.

Christiane. Ar1 smiley - schooloffish

Firecloud Calendar

Post 3


morning Phredster and Christiane and all .. smiley - cheers

nice sounding cruise .. wonder where you dock in Greece ? I remember hot lazy days in this cafe overlooking the harbour on Santorini .. watching the cruise ships gliding in like sleek noble water-Gods and Goddesses ..

calendar pleeze ..

can you still receive e-mails, if the laptop is in hospital ??

water turn to whisky
water turn to wine ..

pom pom pom smiley - musicalnote

etc etc


Firecloud Calendar

Post 4

Phred Firecloud

Let's see...Greece...

YEP! Santorini

Trying to locate a white Mercedes 600 V-12 supercharged rental convertible for a fast run to Moscow and back at the end of the cruise...pump the tires up to 100 PSI. , stock up on ether, bourbon and hallucinagenics and head head out on the autopista...Damn! WATCH OUT FOR THE BATS...

Firecloud Calendar

Post 5

Lady Chattingly

Beautiful pictures, Phred. I would love a calendar. Sending my mailing address to gmail.

Firecloud Calendar

Post 6


It hasn't been a year yet! I'm still checking off dates on the last one - I hope you paid your taxes, Phred. You really shouldn't have sent me yours. I would have made it. smiley - brave

Firecloud Calendar

Post 7


Those are beautiful selections for the calendar. I don't know how you choose when you have so many great shots.

Sending my address. smiley - smiley

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