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Who is this vegiman - anyway

Post 1



Sorry I missed the Birthday issue - still up to my neck in programing code.

Just plopped in to
Shout - Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all on the Post

Especially to - Oh, whatsername, erm, erm.

Ah yes

LiveLuv&be Happy
vegiman smiley - smiley

Who is this vegiman - anyway

Post 2

Post Team

Thank you veggie smiley - hug

All the very best of the season to you and yours smiley - mistletoe

shazz smiley - thepostsmiley - cracker

Who is this vegiman - anyway

Post 3


smiley - space
i just have been looking at vegieman's journal and evidently it was his idea to start the Post newspaper?
and maybe he masterminded the start of the Ace's individual welcomings of new members? (Welcome Mat in his guide entries)

who is this guy? smiley - erm and is he still around under an alias? (last logged on December 21, 2006)

is there a guide entry on the early days of h2g2? i mean like a history with the movers and shakers cited?
if not, it might be interesting to have here. i know i would be enthralled! smiley - smiley

Who is this vegiman - anyway

Post 4

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"You are close smiley - smiley.

The Post is the best community monitor we have < A728732 > for some older issues (still some available smiley - biggrin)"

Who is this vegiman - anyway

Post 5


Ah... a blast from the past.

Vegiman was/is probably one of the most prolific ideas men around H2 in the early days. He can also be fairly credited with the instigation of the 'fun run' which was effectively the forerunner of Peer Review today. A mover and shaker indeed.

You could try here A948035 for some of the H2G2 lore


Who is this vegiman - anyway

Post 6


smiley - space
Traveler and Deke.... thank you! i have been moseying around those places and wOw... it was fun looking thru the fun run pages and i even made it to the beach but i havent found the thread where everyone swims to jupiter yet. ...kinda sad too... like, oh you know, walking into a clubhouse you just joined and looking at all the pictures on the wall of past members.... some still active... some not... group photos... people laughing... comaraderie... is there a place like that here? a clubhouse like that with all that on its entry page... ? (not that i am going to ever be done perusing those links you already gave me smiley - biggrin

if not, we could put these links you just gave me on the clubhouse page too... along with the 'pictures' on the wall and little blurbs of where those folks are now... like hehe bb got married right?

it just is very interesting and i think its time has come.... its been 8 years now since inception eh? oh and there could be a trophy cabinet too hehe... and i want a putting green. smiley - biggrin ...aaaaaand the big room in the clubhouse with the massive fireplace and the leather chairs and fine carpets and wonderful vistas out the french doors and huge to ceiling windows.... one vista could be an enormous estate type English garden... another could be an in-space view of the galaxy complete with some planetary system in the foreground... perhaps ours?

smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - smileysmiley - spacesmiley - spacemaybe clubhouse is not the good thing is just what occured to me.

Who is this vegiman - anyway

Post 7


smiley - space
and we could send a message to all early members with the clubhouse page link so when they do pop in they can find it smiley - biggrin

i am willing to do some of this... help or do... the page, the announcements, the sorting of the stuff that comes in from everyone.

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