H2G2 Lore Project

10 Conversations

Gather Round the Fire, Fellow Tribesmen

This is an attempt to gather researcher reminiscences onto one page. There have been several articles written and the Area 42 Project was launched by Vegiman last year... but it doesn't seem to be answering the phone.

If Area 42 is still active, then this project can only help.

Just Like the Smithsonian

Here's what we would like to ask of our elder researchers, elder meaning years as a researcher. If you were a researcher before the Foop, all the better.

There are appended to this page a whole bunch of threads. These were all the topics an informal group of us -- not limited to salonistas -- came up with as things we could remember stuff about.

Were you involved in any of these? If so, give us your recollections! Each thread is a repository for researcher memory. By adding what you remember, you will help create a repository of lore to which researchers can refer in future when articles are written, probably under the aegis of the Area 42 Project.

So chip in! Agree, add on, disagree, discuss. Think of it as sitting on the old back porch, all of us in our virtual rocking chairs, remembering when.

Did We Forget Something?

If there is some event, bit of virtual geography or thing that you believe to be a part of H2G2's lore, and you don't see a thread for it, then please use the sign-up thread to suggest the topic. We'll all (by we I mean everybody) decide whether it deserves its own thread.

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