This is the Message Centre for Sporkulious Eglon

spooky party???

Post 61

Sporkulious Eglon

nice costume... parties seem to be coming up all over the place... what is a recovering AA to do?

Hey... care to grill up some Perfectly-Normal Beasts and dance naked?

spooky party???

Post 62


You sure it's the clothes that smells like petrol? I am beginning to wonder what's in the damn drinks. They look a bit muddy to me. }=)

spooky party???

Post 63


Generally 40% alcohol doesn't burn that well either.

spooky party???

Post 64


Where are you guys?
Why do I always miss out on all the fun!
Hey, there you are -
but I don't think it's a really good idea to sleep in the fireplace.
Ah, well, I guess I better find myself a better party then,
this one seems to have kind of burned out.

spooky party???

Post 65


*wakes up a bit and takes a peak around noticing everyone curled up sleeping peacefully*
DING DING DING DING!!!!!!!! rise and shine!!!! it is another day and we have terror to inflict on unsuspecting guests smiley - winkeye
monsy smiley - fish

spooky party???

Post 66


Indeed,can't have everyone slcking now can we???...Then again if we leave them sleeping it's more booze for ussmiley - smiley

spooky party???

Post 67


If anyone interested, we'll have a Halloween party in the bar Speeltuin, Breda, the Netherlands. Look for the girls dressed as Women in Black, hopefully drunk enough to great all hikers the world!!
(Or cyberdiscussions are restricted strictly to the net?)

spooky party???

Post 68


Hi Monsy, glad you are waking them all up again. Some party! Shame I missed it last night, Anna and I were sitting up 'til late making my wood elf costume. What do you think? *gives a capricious twirl*

I can't wait 'til Halloween itself. You know I totally believe in it... Really spooky things can happen sometimes ...

spooky party???

Post 69

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

The spirits are abroad that night, and have been for thousands of years...

but remember, many of them are probably your relatives.

of course, this could be a good thing--or.....

So set them a place at the table, and take a candle [in a pumpkin if you like] and see them politely to the door at the end of the evening.

spooky party???

Post 70


*Walks in wearing dark suit and dark sunglasses and slings a briefcase on the table*
What's Happening? Is this the party! There's no music!
If you ever need any musicians for your party go here!
And that goes for any parties, weddings or anything else you may require a musician for.... smiley - smiley You can even join in a jam!

Oh yeah, I also sell life insurance..... and steak knives!

Yes I am dressed as a door to door salesman!

Be afraid!

spooky party???

Post 71



spooky party???

Post 72


It's a good costume!
I had you all fooled didn't I!!! smiley - winkeye

*Open briefcase and reveals lots of yummy goodies and and halloween stuff*

spooky party???

Post 73

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

still eyeing briefcase suspiciously

is this Amway....

spooky party???

Post 74


No! I brought goodies! They're free..... we'll, it will only cost your soul!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
*laughs in dracula voice then suddenly turns into a bat a flies around the room*

spooky party???

Post 75

Jimi X

Great! Another haunting!! I'll have to add this to the Scary Stories for Halloween page Peta has had me working on...

It's at

It's open to any nonfictional accounts of hauntings, weird creatures and other spooky stuff.


spooky party???

Post 76

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

So it *is* Amway! smiley - winkeye

spooky party???

Post 77


*transformed into a bat and flapping wildly around room... flies into the briefcase.... the case shakes closed > then it opens and all of a sudden Bill Gates appears!*

Hi, Where do you want to go today!

Now are you shaking in your boots!!!

spooky party???

Post 78

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

That's not funny, man. Somebody could get hurt with a stampede like the one you just caused. smiley - winkeye

*Brushes dust off clothes and goes back to her umbrella'd drink*

spooky party???

Post 79


*walks into pantry and closes the door.... after awhile the door opens and danielt@adelaide appears wearing a tuxedo*

Wow you should me the people in the pantry!
Sorry! I'll try and settle down!
*Sits down and quietly twiddles thumbs and starts whistling it's the end of the world as we know it.....*

spooky party???

Post 80

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I think that you win the prize for most frightening costume! Here, have a drink.

*Subtly hides all matches in the area and hands danielt@adelaide a beer*

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