A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Shakin' Stevens

Post 1

Niz (soon to be gone)

Was Shakey the embodiment of Rock'n Roll?


Does anybody know what he is doing now?

Shakin' Stevens

Post 2


I've said it before, I'll say it again - you REALLY worry me, Niz...

Shakin' Stevens

Post 3

Niz (soon to be gone)

How can anyone hate the welsh king of Rock 'n roll?

Classics such as:

Green Door

Oh Julie

Lipstick, power and paint.

Shakin' Stevens

Post 4


Crypto-revisionist nostalgia-tripping cover-versions make my skin crawl smiley - ill


Shakey still appears to be touring, singing the same rubbish (see above) and is apparently huge in Scandinavia!

Info here, if you really want to know: [url removed by moderator]

Shakin' Stevens

Post 5

Niz (soon to be gone)


That site has cheered up my day, I nearly lost bladder control.

How the hell did you find that?smiley - ok

Shakin' Stevens

Post 6

Dinsdale Piranha

He was the headline act at the Cardiff Millennium Stadium on 31 Dec 1999.

No Tom Jones, no Shirley Bassey, no Manics, no Stereophonics, or other professional Welsh types, but Shaky was there.

Shakin' Stevens

Post 7


Cloviscat is obviously a HUGE Shakin'Stevens fan too... my condolences to you both!

Shakin' Stevens

Post 8

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

That's "Shaky" without an "e" in it, you young whippersnappers. smiley - winkeye

Shakin' Stevens

Post 9

Niz (soon to be gone)

Still filling stadiums....WOW!!

The welsh King can still show these young so called musicians a thing or two.

I'm still giggling over that website!!!

Shakin' Stevens

Post 10


Can I just change the subject and ask if any one else saw the Status Quo retrospective on TOTP2 last night?

The Quo - is it time they were given the recognition they deserve? (genuine question)

Shakin' Stevens

Post 11


Nooo! *Howls at the moon (why don't we have a 'Howls at the moon' smiley?* I missed TOTP2! Waah!

Status Quo - hmm as they said of Wagner: some good moments, but some pretty tedious quarters of an hour smiley - tongueout

Bet that's the first time Wagner and Status Quo have been compared!!!

A for the Shakey site: ah well, I'm a researcher, dammit, if I gave away my methods, I'd be out of a job! smiley - winkeye

Shakin' Stevens

Post 12

Niz (soon to be gone)


Rockin' to the Quo!!!!!

Shakin' Stevens

Post 13


smiley - laugh

Actually Cloviscat it is not the first time - in the novel "Flambards" one of the lead characters enters a room and questions whether it is Wagner on the gramaphone. To which another character replies "No it is Status Quo" smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Shakin' Stevens

Post 14


My goodness - you're even more worrying than Niz... smiley - silly

What I like about this place is that I almost feel *normal* compared to you lot!

Shakin' Stevens

Post 15


I am only worrying when I am here in a professional context - when I go home I am completely normal.. honest guv!

Shakin' Stevens

Post 16

Niz (soon to be gone)

I've never been normal, well that's what the people who live behind the radiator say!!!smiley - ok

Shakin' Stevens

Post 17

Niz (soon to be gone)

Just to let the Quo fans know that they are on Clarkson tonight @ 10pm BBC2.smiley - ok

Shakin' Stevens

Post 18

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*searches for a copy of "The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Plays The Hits Of Status Quo"*

Shakin' Stevens

Post 19

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

Shakin Steven´s huge in Scandinavia? I´m from Denmark and don´t know if I´ve ever heard a song by him.

If this guy got Parkinson´s, I wonder if anybody would notice.

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