A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 1

Pink Paisley

I've just eaten a pineapple.

Where are the pips?


Post 2

Is mise Duncan

Still touring with Gladys Night, aren't they? smiley - winkeye

(Don't know how pineapples procreate..sorry)


Post 3

LL Waz

I believe you chop the top off, the bit with the leaves, and plant it. How this is down without human interference I don't know.


Post 4

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

That is just another job the elves perform.


Post 5

Wand'rin star

If untouched by human hand don't they send out suckers like strawberries?


Post 6


Strawberries send out suckers?? Why..wha'..why??????

I used to like strawbs but now they've taken on a more scary edge! smiley - bigeyes


Post 7

Is mise Duncan

In penance for my flippant answer I did a bit of research, and it turns out that pineapples do have pips - only that commercial ones aren't polinated so the pips don't develop.

A pineapple, it seems, is a compound fruit in that all the flowers join up to make the one fruit. In the wild the pineapple is pollinated by hummingbirds so to keep this from happening the farmer puts a clear plastic bag over the flower head.



Post 8

Niz (soon to be gone)

Is the pineapple in anyway related to an apple or is it just cosmic co-incidence?


Post 9

Is mise Duncan

No - I think people got all confused when they first appeared.
They are, in fact, some kind of cactus like plant...


Post 10

Niz (soon to be gone)

I heard from a very unreliable source that bananas were not actually a fruit but a spice due to the fact that it contains no seeds.

Can anyone confirm with extreme accuracy that my chain has been yanked

smiley - bigeyes
sorry for the tangent


Post 11

LL Waz

This http://www.h2g2.com/A394021 says they're herbs.
smiley - smiley .


Post 12

Pink Paisley

I have also been party to the bananas are herbs discussion. Something to do with the way the plant grows. It certainly is not a tree.


Post 13

Xanatic(phenomena phreak)

So did you also know that strawberries are in fact nuts? There are several clinics around the world dedicated to the mental problems of strawberries. And sadly there still hasnĀ“t been produced straight jackets in their size, so it is a big problem keeping them from hurting themselves. Actually many strawberries have been killed when the helpers have tried to strap them to the bed with leather straps.


Post 14

a girl called Ben

The problems of restraining strawberries are nothing compared with the problem of making pineapple jelly. It just won't happen. Pineapples contain an enzyme which neutralises gelatine, as I discovered to my embarassement when I had to serve sponge, fruit salad, strawberry syrup, custard and cream, instead of trifle.


Post 15


Pineapples also contain an enzyme which degrades connective tissue holding flesh together. This is why it is useful for tenderising meat. It is also why all your teeth will fall out if you eat too many of them.


Post 16

a girl called Ben

Probably the same enzyme acting on the same stuff. Nasty about the teeth, though.


Post 17


True, gelatine was originally made of connective tissue, by boiling carcases, to alter the structure of the collagen, -like in glue manufacturing. Probably isn't any more, I hope. The enzyme in pineapples is a collagenase and degredes the collagen.

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