A Conversation for Ask h2g2

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Post 1


Can you help us write a Guide Entry on landscape photography?'
there are some excellent tips on this thread

A87897172 Landscape Photography- Hints and Tips From the H2G2 Photographers.

Unfortunately there are not enough yet to make an entry. So if you have any ideas or advice please feel free to add your advice and ideas to the thread. All aspects will be accepted, cameras, lens types, filters, composition anything you can think of.

Landscape Photography

Post 2


Can you help us write a Guide Entry on landscape photography?' there are some excellent tips on this thread A87897172 Landscape Photography- Hints and Tips From the H2G2 Photographers. Unfortunately there are not enough yet to make an entry. So if you have any ideas or advice please feel free to add your advice and ideas to the thread. All aspects will be accepted, camera's, lens types, filters, composition anything you can think of. Contribution thread here https://www.h2g2.com/dna/h2g2/brunel/F22152259?thread=8318483

Landscape Photography

Post 3


Hi Bob

Is this going to be technical advice or the artistic side?

Maybe sections on land, sea, cityscapes?
Coping with light at different times of the day or seasonal stuff... Snowscapes Arghhh!
I'll have a think

Cheers bud.

Landscape Photography

Post 4


Thanks FWR for the reply.
Both mate in fact anything helpful in detail or just general advice the more the merrier.

smiley - ok

Entry A87897172 Landscape Photography

Post 5


The entry site is A87897172

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